im not saying it should be class A because it doesnt make you go out and kick people in … but look at a K addict … on appearance they may not be as violent as a coke ‘ed on a mission but they are ill … look at the physical and mental problems following abuse THAT is why i am saying it should be a class A …
people should not gauge drugs on how they make you on a friday night.
:weee: :laugh_at:
wait – im confused. i thought k holes were supposed to be a bad thing? thats what all my khead mates have told me. never been trapped in one you see. someone explain what its like to me….
how long do they last? not nosy just curious.raaa
… i’m still in mine
… about 15 mins 🙂
depends what you like i suppose..
you agree its as addictive as heroin – so would you recommend to people who say they use smack for meditation and relaxation to carry on using it?
i just dont hate ketamine because its bad for partying, i hate it because of how it has ruined some of my friends lives in so many ways – its highly addictive, it takes away peoples ambition, self awareness, motivation and their souls, and all their left with is mental and pyhsical health problems
thats about the most accurate depiction I can think of.
incidentally I am supposedly a Roman Catholic, and was brought up in faith-based schools and communities.
I can understand some aspects of the “spiritual” nature of drug taking (after doing K one weekend I did realise how it was similar to the mindstate of prayer) and did even fleetingly consider doing a “Tony Blair” and even attending Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea, which is partly why I haven’t done ketamine since.. :laugh_at:)
but for all its faults (and there are many), religion is a disciplined, organised form of human collective gathering. It entails adhering to strict schedules, self-denial (fasting or avoiding vices) and everyone is judged by their contribution to the community as well as whatever they feel their gods are judging them by.
Even the “hippy” religions like buddhism have fairly strict guidelines regarding diet, abstaining from drugs, moderating your behaviour (for instance it wouldn’t be acceptable to be snappy on comedowns or if you can’t find any drugs or parties)
Drugs and raves OTOH are currently merely hedonism and instant gratification without any binding community ties. They are fun, but I have never found anything lasting, spiritual or inspiring (other than music of course) from them…
i dont agree its as addictive as heroin, Flump!
Dont think you’l find many junkies saying they use there smack for meditating somehow:you_crazy
Welcome to the world of drugs.
you have the free will to do what you want, but becareful with what you choose to preach about on the internet. while you’re sat at home all cosy thinking how spiritual and intelligent you are, you’re dealing with a dangerous and destructive drug.
there are a lot better ways to reach spirituality, but each to their own
Ketamine is shit, simple as that.
oh that made me laugh :bounce_fl
bloody hell,
there must be something good about it if so many people are doing it and some are getting ‘hooked’ on it, dont you think?
and please, nuff negative comments said allready, this thread was posted for Positive feedback i know ketamine has bad effects but so does every drug.
When i first used ketamine i used to have amazing experances, I remember once feeling like i could see how every other part of the world interacted with every other part, it was like i could see the whole world and my place in it and how it all fits 2gether and flows. It was amazing…
…few months later im sticking 3g up my nose in an evening, the tollerance builds up so fast that even with that ammount i still didnt get any amazing visual spiritual experance. i just got very very numb. You lose any spiritual experance (or at least seems to hapen to the majority), you lose the magic, and the effects on the body with such high doses is not so good.
I think that is why people hate and love ket, it can give u a hell of a lot, but it takes it away bloody fast without you even realising. Oh and the physical damage to the body for long term high dose can be horrific.
ps I dont and havnt used ket in a while now and do not plan to in the future.
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