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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology KEYBOARD HELP

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  • my cat has been sitting on my keyboard and it has fucked up the scrolling of webpages

    at the mo i use a laptop so i scroll up and down pages using the arrow keys, but after my cat sat on my keys there is a massive flashing line at the side of every page, like you used to get on old word processors to indicate where the next character will appear

    when i use the arrow keys the screen skips to the bottom or top of every page and i can’t scroll

    how do i sort this out?

    help, cat owner, devon

    globalloon;242315 wrote:
    when i use the arrow keys the screen skips to the bottom or top of every page and i can’t scroll

    how do i sort this out?

    help, cat owner, devon

    if there isn’t a key what has blatantly got stuck due to the weight of the feline resting on the keyboard, check if there is a key marked “Fn” on the keyboard..

    on some laptops, this key pressed in conjunction with SHIFT, CTRL or ALT puts the keyboard into various odd modes where it behaves as if the SHIFT/CTRL/ALT key has been permanently pressed down. This can cause the behaviour you mention, or turn other letter keys into numbers.

    one one Toshiba model it makes the machine act like CTRL is held down all the time. To clear it you usually have to press the Fn key along with the other key again.

    Unfortunately the keys involved and the modes they change varies between each laptop make so I can’t be more specific. If you are lucky there are LEDs showing each mode, and one will be lit what wasn’t there before (or something in the manual explaining this)

    IME loose cats amongst computers can cause as much disruption as the worst viruses/worms/hackers.

    I have personally witnessed two separate sets of kittens actually create (by jumping on a keyboard) a file with single . as a filename which cannot be deleted. once in 1995, again in 2004. Its almost as if they know how to do this.. :crazy_diz

    nice one GL

    the fn worked. :love:

    I can recommend either a) putting the keyboard up on its side or b) putting a box over it when you are not at your pc 😉 this deters 99% of all known cats typing :weee:

    I have still not got worked out how the kittens created those files.

    a single file with a “.” as a file name, zero length and on the desktop.

    me and another chap from Reading who is also very skilled with IT cracked our brains trying to get rid of the files – neither of us could do it, and the kittens wouldn’t tell us how they did it :crazy_dru

    now my screen is upside down. how do i sort that out?

    globalloon;242437 wrote:
    now my screen is upside down. how do i sort that out?

    thats should be in your gfx card driver settings .. theres another thread about this …. can’t find it .. but it’s some dude who thinks his comp has eaten some of his ket as the screen had done a 90 deg. rotation .. i think it’s in the gadgets and tech part of the forum if you wanna have a look .. as i got to run out the door and not got time to explaine it properly but i think theres a detailed explination there .. *hopes … good luck ..:bounce_fl

    Right click on your desktop and check your display settings – they have been altered to arrive at upside down 😉

    this is starting to worry me, IME its a particularly obscure collection of keypresses required to make this happen to a display – I’ve just tried it and you have to go through multiple menues and choices

    put a box over that keyboard as raj says, or next post will probably be globaloon saying he is getting random deliveries of prime steak and fish :laugh_at:

    Steak, fish and cream :groucho:

    it’s control + alt + the up arrow key

    in case you ever have the same weird thing happen to you






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology KEYBOARD HELP