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  • wait, did you just call me an adhd riddled kid?
    i’ve never played Battlefield but i like COD so.. just my personal preference. sorry for having an opinion, blimey. :S

    @AGENT 15 406301 wrote:

    YAY! Yet another campfest populated with ADHD riddled kids.

    What could they possibly do to take the genre further than Battlefield has.

    Why do you perfer the company that sacked MW inventors ,Jason West and studio head Vince Zampella ? Effectivey killing the very thing that made it great, now your just in for reboot after reboot with each cash on the name.

    If you like FPS have you seen DUST 514? This will brake what ever MW cast off /
    MOH/Battlfieldofbadheros67 have to offer
    DUST 514 – First Person Shooter / MMO Hybrid

    Kinetic a massive gimmick from a dieing console, any one remember this
    Sega Activator: Full Body Motion Controller

    for the Genesis, SegaCD and 32X and look where it got Sega, deleted!

    The xbox 360 has outsold the playstation 3 (its main rival really as the wii is a different target audience (one I guess they are hoping to nick with Kinetic). How on earth can you say its dieing?

    The sega attempt was years ago before the hardware was ready. By that logic no one should have progressed to CD’s as segas attempt failed.

    And as for the games well thats personal taste isnt it really so get off your hours it is far too high.

    i find call of duty sooo boring everyone seems to play it aaalll the time, the zombie one is just as boring only it has zombies in.

    @1984 406315 wrote:

    The xbox 360 has outsold the playstation 3 (its main rival really as the wii is a different target audience (one I guess they are hoping to nick with Kinetic). How on earth can you say its dieing?

    The sega attempt was years ago before the hardware was ready. By that logic no one should have progressed to CD’s as segas attempt failed.

    And as for the games well thats personal taste isnt it really so get off your hours it is far too high.

    My what?

    i Did have a bit of geek out there didnt I

    Yes outsold by being release a year earlier.

    You are right it is a question of taste.

    People i’ve spoken to who have bought the xbox over the ps3 were usually swayed by the price! as in, if they could afford the ps3 it would win hands down!

    and nice one on white rabbit lyrics, i love that song 🙂

    @AGENT 15 406355 wrote:

    My what?

    i Did have a bit of geek out there didnt I

    Yes outsold by being release a year earlier.

    You are right it is a question of taste.

    opps lol damn my dyslexia

    yeah me too probably sorry if that came across as rude meant to be light hearted.

    @harr!et 406314 wrote:

    wait, did you just call me an adhd riddled kid?
    i’ve never played Battlefield but i like COD so.. just my personal preference. sorry for having an opinion, blimey. :S

    I guess not, you did pay attention to my post:weee:

    I wanted your opinion , I wanted you to tell me why you like it, what pisses you off about it , I wanted to know why you Like the Treyarch over IW,






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