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Latency problems in Cubase SX

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Latency problems in Cubase SX

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  • noname;237578 wrote:
    Sounds like a problem with the ASIO settings – your soundcard has to support ASIO to get any kind of playable latency in cubase (otherwise cubase will default back to directx or MME and it will seem like an age between pressing a key and hearing the sound).

    If you’re using an on board sound chip on your motherboard, it is unlikely it will support ASIO – in which case a new sound card is your only real option. If it does support ASIO then you need to tell cubase to use it (somewhere in the preferences settings), and set the latency to around 20ms or below…

    Yeh its usin ASIO and my soundcard is an onboard one (Although its one of the better ones.) I need to get a new sound card really badly but I’m skint.

    Been through all the bloody menus I can find in Cubase but I can’t find anythin useful for this problem. Its rete annoyin me!

    The setup for ASIO is in the “devices” menu – choose “device setup” which opens a window with on the left hand side “VST audiobay” listed. Select that, and in the right hand side at the top, there is a dropdown list marked “master ASIO Driver”… Drop down the list – if there is nothing other than “ASIO Direct x full duplex”, and “ASIO – MME” listed, then your soundcard doesn’t support hardware ASIO (the directx and MME ASIO drivers are both software and far slower). If your soundcard does support ASIO, then you will have another option (mine is “E-Mu ASIO”) – select that, and tell it to switch when it asks you if you want to… That will change the heading below “VST audiobay” on the left panel to whatever you selected as your master ASIO driver. If you now select that on the left panel, the right panel will give you access to your sound card ASIO control panel (and access to playable latencies – ie below about 20ms)…

    noname;239031 wrote:
    The setup for ASIO is in the “devices” menu – choose “device setup” which opens a window with on the left hand side “VST audiobay” listed. Select that, and in the right hand side at the top, there is a dropdown list marked “master ASIO Driver”… Drop down the list – if there is nothing other than “ASIO Direct x full duplex”, and “ASIO – MME” listed, then your soundcard doesn’t support hardware ASIO (the directx and MME ASIO drivers are both software and far slower). If your soundcard does support ASIO, then you will have another option (mine is “E-Mu ASIO”) – select that, and tell it to switch when it asks you if you want to… That will change the heading below “VST audiobay” on the left panel to whatever you selected as your master ASIO driver. If you now select that on the left panel, the right panel will give you access to your sound card ASIO control panel (and access to playable latencies – ie below about 20ms)…

    Worked perfectly! Cheers for that. Im usin ASIO4ALL v2 by the way.

    Rete now thats sorted now I just need to find out a way of usin ma on-screen midi keyboard with Cubase coz like I said when I use it with Cubase, whenever I click a note on it, the program (The keyboard one) just stops respondin. Doesn’t do it when I’m just usin reason on its own, only when Cubase is open. Anyone got any ideas what this could be? Or even another downloadable free midi-keyboard that works with Cubase? (I rete rete need to buy one but I’m broke as a joke)

    Edit: Never mind, got the keyboard workin now. Now I just need to figure out how to use Cubase properly its confusin as fuck!!!

    hey this has been helpfull to me for sorting out my soundcard so im gna share a little thing i learned in the last couple of days. theres a program called Vanilin midi keyboard thats free i think just google it, which can play when its not focused on. i used midi yoke to create virtual midi ports (this is also free on just set the virtual keyboard to yoke port 1 and your cubase channel to the same and u shud b away. that stressed me out 4 long but i seemed to have figured it out. hope this helps. peace

    esk02k;246094 wrote:
    hey this has been helpfull to me for sorting out my soundcard so im gna share a little thing i learned in the last couple of days. theres a program called Vanilin midi keyboard thats free i think just google it, which can play when its not focused on. i used midi yoke to create virtual midi ports (this is also free on just set the virtual keyboard to yoke port 1 and your cubase channel to the same and u shud b away. that stressed me out 4 long but i seemed to have figured it out. hope this helps. peace

    Cheers man! Just downloaded it. Thats rete useful I don’t even have to save up for a midi keyboard now!
    Nice one

    people instead of messing around with all the asio buffer your self. there is a much more simple way that works just as effective. alls u need to do is download a thing call a universal asio driver i have set up a link below to a site where u can obtain this mystical item it is availble in most languages so dont panic poeple………………..HARROP77…………………………….


    harrop77;269429 wrote:
    people instead of messing around with all the asio buffer your self. there is a much more simple way that works just as effective. alls u need to do is download a thing call a universal asio driver i have set up a link below to a site where u can obtain this mystical item it is availble in most languages so dont panic poeple………………..HARROP77…………………………….


    Yeah this is where I got my ASIO driver in the first place but I still had to piss about with loads of stuff!






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Latency problems in Cubase SX