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  • herbal teas, work wonders

    there was a time when id be far happier spending £30 on salvia than £30 on coke, and im sure in certain situations i might still make the choice but generally i dont go for the whole “lagal highs” thing

    rach wrote:
    how did you have your salvia? should kick in instantly if you smoke it…

    With Salvia… its good to use one of those windproof lighters… you know the flame thrower type… Salvia needs to burn hot really to give a good effect…

    i had 6 hbw seeds the other day and they worked wonders 🙂

    Digital-A wrote:
    i had 6 hbw seeds the other day and they worked wonders 🙂

    Did you powder or grind or soak or just eat?

    If you don’t mind me asking… how much did you pay? – Its just I am trying to check our prices at the mo….

    how do we compare (our seeds are good ‘uns… not the shite you get on Ebay!!!)



    alteredresearch is a scam :yakk:

    scamhitman wrote:
    alteredresearch is a scam :yakk:

    Have you had a bad experience with that website?

    Never mind:

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    me n my mate are 14 and we both took 5 of these bad bois at break and lunch (dnt sem like much but it was enough) and i can tell u they are mint, my mate was trippin hard sayin he cudnt feel his head or his legs and chatting bollocks while i felt mellow and relaxed although at the start i felt shooting pains down my leg which were super painful and i found it hard to walk but after tht it was allgood

    every1 has these crazy methods of keepin them selves from bein sick but we were fyn al i did was scrape of the fungi shit, crush them up with a garlic crusher leave them in a bag for a day, put them in my mouth chewed them had a little drink swilled the seed and liquid in my mouth for a bit and swallowed and they kiked in fast.

    oh dnt eat them on a full stomach

    defiantly tke them again

    My experiences have been varied

    Morning glories: bought 500 seeds off e-bay, me and 7 – 8 others had about 50 each whilst on the piss. Was a bit wierd was a bit trippy more audio halucinations, wierd echoes of voices.this was all at the start but as initial high worn off. All off us seemed to get a bit edgey with each other. Much later I became very paranoid, but I was aware that I was being paranoid… wierd got in after this intense experience and flushed all the left over seeds down the bog… not sure I’d do em again.

    Fly agarics: i love these but you have to prepare em just right (never bought em always collect my own). As long as these are dried slowly as possible and grown to a powder they are great. Boiled em up 15grams a person and its great like natral E.. E with out a wierd buzz all natral no real come down ether…

    jay123 wrote:
    me n my mate are 14 and we both took 5 of these bad bois at break and lunch (dnt sem like much but it was enough) and i can tell u they are mint, my mate was trippin hard sayin he cudnt feel his head or his legs and chatting bollocks while i felt mellow and relaxed although at the start i felt shooting pains down my leg which were super painful and i found it hard to walk but after tht it was allgood

    every1 has these crazy methods of keepin them selves from bein sick but we were fyn al i did was scrape of the fungi shit, crush them up with a garlic crusher leave them in a bag for a day, put them in my mouth chewed them had a little drink swilled the seed and liquid in my mouth for a bit and swallowed and they kiked in fast.

    oh dnt eat them on a full stomach

    defiantly tke them again

    hey a word dude….your young to be taking quanity of any drug…if you are getting any pains anywhere thats your body telling you something…dont rush into taking anything or else long term effects when your older …you’ll be a old man/woman fore your time…

    so many other ways to get high …without fuking up wid drugs of any kind…

    just looking out for you i have a son age 15 and it makes me sad to read about your getting off yer tits at school … careful xx

    :group_hug :group_hug

    Kratom, Salvia, Lsa Seeds, AYA, MJ Substitutes…
    They work and are legal. will dont connect yourself with any kinf of violence using them…and you still can have a lovely time.
    Has anyone have nice experiences to talk about?

    naturalhut wrote:
    Kratom, Salvia, Lsa Seeds, AYA, MJ Substitutes…
    They work and are legal. will dont connect yourself with any kinf of violence using them…and you still can have a lovely time.
    Has anyone have nice experiences to talk about?

    Havent used any myself, although Im open to trying some. I have had a few herbal things though, but not the kind to get you high. More of the herbal pro-plus alternative type thing.

    Just wondered what you were referring to in the bit Ive highlighted? Also not exactly sure what you said.

    Gangs run drugs. Gangs = bastards.

    On the legal high thing though….I have tested most of the stuff in the shop. All the good ones are posted in the subscribers forum, but if you want info on a particular one then I can probably help.


    rum rum





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