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Meet the £1,900 vinyl record cleaner made out of car and caravan parts

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Meet the £1,900 vinyl record cleaner made out of car and caravan parts

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  • interesting device; but the days of charging a very large price premium for “hand built British goods” are long gone (16 years ago I worked in what remained of the British electronics industry – the stuff my then employer produced was riddled with flaws (and often hastily altered to produce something that actually worked), some designs were straight from the late 1970s (the development for the embedded systems still had master firmware on 8″ disk, in 2000!).

    I suspect if you trawled the German hobby electronics forums someone will eventually publish a document showing you how to build the same thing for only a few hundred Euros using a similar cheap China turntable and Fischertechnik (google this if you are unfamiliar with it; it is the German competitor to Lego and supposedly aimed at “Kinder” but TBH mostly popular with people my age (but a bit smarter).

    In any case the vinyl records of my generation (especially during the late 80s when house briefly went mainstream) were often poor quality pressings and recycled vinyl to start with; no amount of cleaning will rectify something that due to the use of lesser quality base material sounds a bit rougher than classical music or prog rock the older folk would have in their collections.

    Did you see a few days ago Technics announced a replacement for the 1210 at around either $3,000 or $4,000 or something ridiculous as they say the original tools for making the 1210 (dies for presses etc.) were so fucked due to their age they had to redesign and build every part of the manufacturing process again.

    @tryptameanie 979909 wrote:

    Did you see a few days ago Technics announced a replacement for the 1210 at around either $3,000 or $4,000 or something ridiculous as they say the original tools for making the 1210 (dies for presses etc.) were so fucked due to their age they had to redesign and build every part of the manufacturing process again.

    I did notice that – TBH I doubt if they will be selling that many as a German company working with the Chinese has made similar turntables that are almost as good for a far cheaper price; I bought a pair a year ago to play my collection of old skool EDM vinyl from 1987 to 1992 and although not quite as polished as the 1200/1210 design are way better than the 1990s era Technics clones.

    Even my slightly older friends on the community radio station increasingly use laptop based DJ software and unlike the USA the European EDM scene is contracting and its followers ageing in a similar way to that of the Dutch pirate radio scene…

    Certainly seems that way but no question rare vinyl will stay rare and expensive and while you can get better quality as digital and do more with it as digital and traktor/serato and shit make life much easier than records ever could, those 0s and 1s will never take the place of a shitty piece of plastic.

    Do you ever feel like you have nothing to contribute to a thread but still want the posters to know that you read every word and approved? I feel the like and thank buttons express that sentiment quite well.

    Are you telling me to just shut the fuck up and thank someone????? lol

    I know what you mean man, most times of most days my name is the last on the list. Probably my inability to shut up more than anything else but…..

    Nah not telling anyone to shut up, I just wanted to let you and GL know that I read the whole thread not just the posts I liked and thanked.

    Well, I won’t bother doing one of this or that next time…….;).

    I’m all for you thanking people, but if you shut the fuck up we won’t have a message-board.







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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Meet the £1,900 vinyl record cleaner made out of car and caravan parts