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Microsoft IlumiRoom (You gotta see this stuff it is insane)

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Microsoft IlumiRoom (You gotta see this stuff it is insane)

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  • I have been following this story since early last year when a load of microsoft pattents were leaked, lke the augmented reality glasses and this the IlumiRoom. I didn’t think that it wasw gonna be realesed so soon or even at all since compamnys pattent ideas all the time but don’t always go though with it. It’s just so they have dibs on the thing. But this does look truly space age though Imagine playing battlefield and seeing the bullets flying out the TV and into your dog LOL. Check out the new .

    IllumiRoom: Peripheral Projected Illusions for Interactive Experiences

    [IMG][/IMG]IllumiRoom is a proof-of-concept system from Microsoft Research. It augments the area surrounding a television screen with projected visualizations to enhance the traditional living room entertainment experience.

    IllumiRoom uses a Kinect for Windows camera and a projector to blur the lines between on-screen content and the environment we live in allowing us to combine our virtual and physical worlds. For example, our system can change the appearance of the room, induce apparent motion, extend the field of view, and enable entirely new game experiences.

    Our system uses the appearance and the geometry of the room (captured by Kinect) to adapt the projected visuals in real-time without any need to custom pre-process the graphics. What you see in the videos below has been captured live and is not the result of any special effects added in post production.

    The microsoft XBOX360 had a really good visualisation thingy that you can display while chilling listening to tunes. (It is really cool I showed daftfader when whe were doing some k one morning and he was impressed) I would imagine it would like being on drugs without being on drugs LOL

    That is freakin’ awesome!


    Fair play to microsoft, at least they come up with new and interesting ideas instead of rehashing other people’s like apple

    Doesn’t look anything special to me, just another money grabbing gimmick IMO.
    But then again I have an 8′ projector screen covering most of my living room wall so my wall is already essentially one massive screen

    Or perhaps I just lack the geek gene which should have me excited about this.

    @The Psyentist 516581 wrote:

    Or perhaps I just lack the geek gene which should have me excited about this.

    I got pretty excited lol






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Microsoft IlumiRoom (You gotta see this stuff it is insane)