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Mid Range

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  • Lookin for some mid speakers to back up 2k of folded horn bass. Was lookin at EV stuff. Anyone got any advice?
    Wana ditch some of the cheap stuff we got n overhaul our rig for next season.

    whats your pricerange? :groucho: im buildin my rig atm too, and i figured the best stuff for different price ranges raaa

    What’s the useable upper range of the horns? Around 160hz?

    BioTech wrote:
    What’s the useable upper range of the horns? Around 160hz?

    I duno bout stuff like that. There 18 inch fane collosus if thats any use?

    Do you have an active xover?

    Raj wrote:
    Do you have an active xover?

    feck knows! I aint realy got a clue what one does or is for that matter.

    do you have a piece or 2 of eqpt which splits the signal down into high, mid and bass in the rig? as opposed to passive xovers which are found in the cabs usually and filter out the irrelevant section for the driver?

    [an active xover allows you to make more efficient us of the rig’s power ]
    [the cheapest good ones out there are probably the Behringer ones – they are 1u rackmount boxes with loads of knobs on the front which allow you to choose which frequency you send to each set of amps and drivers and what level the signal is]

    thats a behringer xover – all xovers have a certain similarity of appearance afaik


    MrAHC you seem to be the type of man whose not at a loss when it comes to woodwork.

    Knock together a pair of these

    Will get low enough to cross with your 18’s no bother I should and a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a branded cab.

    Plus theres nothing better than goin crazy in front of a stack you built yourself.

    elretardo87 wrote:
    MrAHC you seem to be the type of man whose not at a loss when it comes to woodwork.

    Knock together a pair of these

    Plus theres nothing better than goin crazy in front of a stack you built yourself.


    Raj wrote:
    do you have a piece or 2 of eqpt which splits the signal down into high, mid and bass in the rig? as opposed to passive xovers which are found in the cabs usually and filter out the irrelevant section for the driver?

    [an active xover allows you to make more efficient us of the rig’s power ]
    [the cheapest good ones out there are probably the Behringer ones – they are 1u rackmount boxes with loads of knobs on the front which allow you to choose which frequency you send to each set of amps and drivers and what level the signal is]

    Nope we dont have one of them! it didnt realy matter when we was usin cheep stuff but now we splasin money out on good stuff need to start lernin.

    elretardo87 wrote:
    MrAHC you seem to be the type of man whose not at a loss when it comes to woodwork.

    Knock together a pair of these

    Will get low enough to cross with your 18’s no bother I should and a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a branded cab.

    Plus theres nothing better than goin crazy in front of a stack you built yourself.

    You just reminded me I’ve got a manual with fane building diagrams in might try building some up. Its eletrics i’m no so good on.

    MrAHC wrote:
    You just reminded me I’ve got a manual with fane building diagrams in might try building some up. Its eletrics i’m no so good on.

    If you do decide to build your own you want to go for a 15″ design for now to cross low enough with the 18s. Those plans will also be in your plan book I think but they are pretty standard design, just thought the Fane design might compliment your horns.

    As for the wiring its really really simple. The wires inside are usually colour coded. Just connect the red and black from your compression driver to the red and black on the internal (passive) crossover’s high end outputs. Then do the same from your mid driver to the low outputs. Finally a cable from the red and black to the 1+ and 1- (respectively) and your done. If its not colour coded then just connect the positives to the negaives in the same way I mentioned above.

    MrAHC wrote:
    Nope we dont have one of them! it didnt realy matter when we was usin cheep stuff but now we splasin money out on good stuff need to start lernin.

    Ok well you may like to look into xovers as it will allow you to get far more efficient power use out of the rig :groucho: which means more volume for the same amps raaaraaa

    [to give you some idea of the difference a 4k active rig well built is at least equal to an 16k passive rig when compared up and running so you can carry a 1/4 of the weight in amps :bounce_fl ] so whatever amp power you have can be made into a beast :weee:

    Raj wrote:
    [to give you some idea of the difference a 4k active rig well built is at least equal to an 16k passive rig when compared up and running so you can carry a 1/4 of the weight in amps :bounce_fl ] so whatever amp power you have can be made into a beast :weee:

    Can you explain yourself? This makes no sense to me at all. Surely an active x-over makes no difference to anything by the way you us eyour amps. An active 16k rig will still need 16k of amps they are just built into the speakers. They will also still need an active x-over. Passive speakers just don’t have their amps built in. I think all your talk in k is a bit unfounded as it entirely depends on your speakers.






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