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  • This is what I’m currently editing video/audio on. The laptop is about 3 years old and the battery is cooked, hence its being used as a desktop replacement. It does have USB2.0 and 1394 (firewire) for the video camera.

    I can’t afford a LCD monitor yet and had this Samsung CRT monitor spare..

    not as pretty as a mac but a lot cheaper (and yes that is a cardboard box propping up the laptop so the displays are roughly on the same level) :laugh_at:

    josh might be able to work out the significance of the retro graphics (about 14 years before he was born)


    What toshiba is that?

    Got a few in pieces and might have a spare battery.

    a portege S100…. was my old work machine and quite high end for the time, hence it was disappointing the battery is a bit duff..

    my god GL! :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    i dont think the wheel, let alone video, was invented when those things were first born :laugh_at:

    is this some kind of BT research thing at adastral? That building and tower looks strangely familiar 😉 speaking of, have you been to the showcase building thing there? theres some sexy stuff for tech heads in there

    also, you got enuff icons on that desktop ? :love:

    … this is my ‘mission control’ :weee: (using a common technique for screen levels, except ive got a good book doing the job :weee:). theres lots of stuff behind the 2 monitors.

    @joshd96320 350841 wrote:

    is this some kind of BT research thing at adastral? That building and tower looks strangely familiar 😉 speaking of, have you been to the showcase building thing there? theres some sexy stuff for tech heads in there

    yep, except it was called the “Post Office Telephones Research Centre” in those days (1978 or 1979) – and they had invented Viewdata, a forerunner of the Internet. I did get invited to a focus group there a couple of years ago but I found two showstopper bugs in one of their new initiatives so they haven’t invited me back :laugh_at:

    my god GL you have tons of icons!!! 😉

    lol you should of seen my old desktop b4 i reinstalled windows … had about space for 10 more icons lol

    my mate had them overlapping he had so many … (they all auto pile up ontop on one icon after you run out of space) and he had about 20 icons on top of each other and a full screen of them lol

    @General Lighting 351648 wrote:

    yep, except it was called the “Post Office Telephones Research Centre” in those days (1978 or 1979) – and they had invented Viewdata, a forerunner of the Internet. I did get invited to a focus group there a couple of years ago but I found two showstopper bugs in one of their new initiatives so they haven’t invited me back :laugh_at:







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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Mission control ;)