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  • @DJCliffy 368539 wrote:

    Fucking shitty internet connection. Was just having a phat game and then got one red bar and it kicked me out of the game. Why oh why does it keep doing this?????

    last night was bad too for me, does it always do it? could be all the snow over Europe causing a much higher volume of people on or just your ISP having a lot more people on?

    @1984 368540 wrote:

    last night was bad too for me, does it always do it? could be all the snow over Europe causing a much higher volume of people on or just your ISP having a lot more people on?

    It’s not usually like this, it’s only been the last three days it’s been shit, it’ll be ok for an hour then the connection fucks up. You could be right but we’ve been having problems with our internet for fucking ages now.

    Think we need a new modem cos we’re forever having to reset the blasted thing. It is proper knackered though! 😥

    @DJCliffy 368541 wrote:

    It’s not usually like this, it’s only been the last three days it’s been shit, it’ll be ok for an hour then the connection fucks up. You could be right but we’ve been having problems with our internet for fucking ages now.

    Think we need a new modem cos we’re forever having to reset the blasted thing. It is proper knackered though! 😥

    how long u had ur broad band? your probably only contracted for a year so you could just ring them up and say u want a new free rooter. I did that, and the newer deal they had was cheaper so it worked out well.

    Haven’t played MW2 for a while as I’ve been in to Assassin’s Creed 2. Now I’ve bought that Bayoneta game which is quite mental but I imagine it wont hold my attention for long so I’ll be back on MW2 soon.

    Was trying to get all the achievements for Assassin’s Creed and used an online guide to get all the feathers, but I got to the end of the guide and had 99 out of a 100. Stuff doing that all over again.

    Cliffy: I notice that you are pretty hardcore on MW2. You have a good KD Ratio. Mine just hovers around 1 all the time.

    Silentshout: Alas, I’m on Xbox. Haven’t played on PC for a while now and my hardware is now outdated. What games do you make?

    @1984 368542 wrote:

    how long u had ur broad band? your probably only contracted for a year so you could just ring them up and say u want a new free rooter. I did that, and the newer deal they had was cheaper so it worked out well.

    We’ve had it for ages, me and my brother have decided to chip in and upgrade to get the best net connection, 50mb i think. But we got a new modem on the way so hopefully that’ll sort it out.

    Getting extremely fed up with it all now, Seeing as i am trying to quit the mash ups this takes my mind off it all but when it fucks up it annoys me greatly. Hence why i am going walking more often!!

    @BioTech 368543 wrote:

    Cliffy: I notice that you are pretty hardcore on MW2. You have a good KD Ratio. Mine just hovers around 1 all the time.

    Cheers mate, i do like my war games! raaa

    @BioTech 368543 wrote:

    Haven’t played MW2 for a while as I’ve been in to Assassin’s Creed 2. Now I’ve bought that Bayoneta game which is quite mental but I imagine it wont hold my attention for long so I’ll be back on MW2 soon.

    Was trying to get all the achievements for Assassin’s Creed and used an online guide to get all the feathers, but I got to the end of the guide and had 99 out of a 100. Stuff doing that all over again.

    Cliffy: I notice that you are pretty hardcore on MW2. You have a good KD Ratio. Mine just hovers around 1 all the time.

    Silentshout: Alas, I’m on Xbox. Haven’t played on PC for a while now and my hardware is now outdated. What games do you make?

    Yes i was thinking of getting it for my ps3 but i decided that playing with my colleagues at lunch at work is also a lot of fun and i want to do other stuff when I’m home AND i didn’t have a nice screen before, but i do now actually eeh. I work on Total War right now. 🙂

    Totalwar: Is that a strategy based game?

    Did you always want to be involved in games development? Wish I could do something I’m interested in. I’m considering a career change but my options are limited where I live.

    @Silentshout 368550 wrote:

    Yes i was thinking of getting it for my ps3 but i decided that playing with my colleagues at lunch at work is also a lot of fun and i want to do other stuff when I’m home AND i didn’t have a nice screen before, but i do now actually eeh. I work on Total War right now. 🙂

    empire total war? :O

    so any one got this on pc that could play at weekends? allways looknig for new members to our clan 😛

    @1984 368542 wrote:

    how long u had ur broad band? your probably only contracted for a year so you could just ring them up and say u want a new free rooter. I did that, and the newer deal they had was cheaper so it worked out well.

    @DJCliffy 368541 wrote:

    It’s not usually like this, it’s only been the last three days it’s been shit, it’ll be ok for an hour then the connection fucks up. You could be right but we’ve been having problems with our internet for fucking ages now.

    Think we need a new modem cos we’re forever having to reset the blasted thing. It is proper knackered though! 😥

    there’s a variety of reasons for this. one is simply because people are staying in more due to shit weather and its increased the load on the internet – but a more pernicious one is because this weather washes a mixture of water and rock salt into cable ducts that BT Openreach and NTL use. If there are any dodgy bits of cable or splices, this mixture of salt and water corrodes them into various chemicals.

    These chemicals can react with other stuff in the air and the bits of cale become semi-conductors rather than just conductors – and semi conductors connected to bits of wire pick up stray radio signals. unlike your router or mobile phone where you obviously want to receive radio signals – these damaged cables create interference to the broadband signals going down them. and there are loads of stray signals – cops and taxicabs’ radios, and big transmitters of the BBC and foreign nations used for their radio services.

    As these problems are often intermittent and depend on the weather, it can take ages for Openreach or NTL to locate them and sort them out..

    You’re probably right GL. Although i do think the modem is why it’s been so shit lately. We’re constantly having to reset it so i think it’s on it’s way out.

    Hopefully the new modem will sort it all out!

    @DJCliffy 368572 wrote:

    You’re probably right GL. Although i do think the modem is why it’s been so shit lately. We’re constantly having to reset it so i think it’s on it’s way out.

    Hopefully the new modem will sort it all out!

    just a thought but have you made sure the password isnt default and you have the correct security setting? could be that someone has hacked ur wifi, though rather unlikely but I am bored.

    @1984 368576 wrote:

    just a thought but have you made sure the password isnt default and you have the correct security setting? could be that someone has hacked ur wifi, though rather unlikely but I am bored.

    Yeah the password is secure, nothing wrong there. I have just spoken to a couple mates with Virgin Media and their internet is really slow as well. Started exactly the same time mine did.

    I suspect it’s due to the weather and also what GL was saying. Bit of a shitter really but what can you do eh.

    (Apart from cry)

    Fuck the net is running really fast now. If only it wasn’t so late I’d play some mw2. Oh well, sleep time.

    i got virgin media and it’s fine so is my mates.ur in a diferant area to me tho so mby it’s just ur area. wireless allways has connection problems tho every one i know who has it no matter what isp or where they are they allways seem to get disconnected from time to time. cable all the way imo but i guess in some places u can’t get it – i would of thought u could in hemal tho.






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