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My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!

Forums Drugs Research Chemicals My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!

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    Let me start off by saying, im no drugs expert, Ive done a few things in the past but who hasn’t nowadays? I had done cocaine in a club a few times, most of the time it was crap and did nothing, few other times it felt amazing. This is the feeling I wanted to get every time I took something, so I went on a hunt to find something decent. After being sold bad stuff from dodgy street dealers a few times, I had enough of that and decided to explore the legal options. I never got chance to try mkat before the ban which I was very disappointed at because of all the good things I heard. So instead I decided to try MDAI and DMC, worst products ever, my faith in legal drugs had quickly decreased and I was afraid there would be nothing as good as mkat ever again. People kept saying that we were lucky with mkat and there will be nothing like it again. But oh boy, was I wrong.


    Im writing this report on Sunday at 5.30 because I feel much better now. For those of you are not aware of the situation, you are welcome to read through this 14 page of spam: on a live high with another member. It’s basically me updating it every 10 min with how I’m feeling, but I’ve since learned to use the cool edit button so next time I’ll be using that. I’m guessing most of you won’t want to read through that, so I’m making a proper report now by looking at each page, checking the videos I made of myself and all my recorded phone conversations.

    8.53 – Taken pill with pepsi max. Waiting for Big brother to start.

    9.00 – Big brother starts, watch this until 10.00

    9.42 – Bored and annoyed because I thought it should have started working by now. So I made an angry post in the forum as shown here:

    9.42 to 10.50 – Still bored, waiting for something to happen, just playing Team Fortress as usual.

    10.50 – Went downstairs and asked somebody if my pupils look diluted. Don’t know why I did this, that is something I would do if I was drunk. I laughed and nearly fell over going back upstairs. Just feel drunk right now.

    10.52 – Put some music on because I was still kind of bored, thought that I was only going to get a drunk feeling and nothing else.

    11.07 – WTF where did this come from, I suddenly had a massive rush and jumped out of my chair and started dancing from nowhere. It just totally hit me. This is the point I posted and made this topic: .Kept ringing my friends because I wanted to share my experience with somebody and tell them how amazing it was. According to phone logs I rang the same person about 10 times within 10 min.


    11.07 – 1.00 – Felt like a 2 hour orgasm. Best feeling ever. Better than the cocaine I had always said to myself that it wouldn’t get better than that. Lost sense of time as you can see in that thread. For example Voodoo said “toilet break” and then I reply with “1 hour toilet”, but if you look at the time of posts, it shows that them 2 posts were within the same minute.

    1.00 – Still feeling good but I posted saying the rushes are wearing off, but then I post again at 1.01 saying a rush just came back. It really didn’t feel like 1 minute in between them posts. At this point im still feeling amazing.

    1.06 – Gone through lots of water so far, sweating a lot and getting very hot. Have both fans on and window open max. Keeping water next to me to keep it safe. Forgot exactly when I got naked, but according to my post at 1.06 it says “still dancing naked in room, work soon”, so I assume I got naked before then. Mainly because of the heat.

    1.07 – Thinking about next time I can do this and wanting to order more.

    1.14 – Apparently I posted “effects slowly calming off, still dancing”. I don’t know why, because it felt like I was dancing for hours and hours. Would have taken another one to carry on but I’m glad I didn’t now.

    1.20 – Still dancing and having fun, still lost my sense of time and thinking it’s been ages between my posts.

    1.36 – Kept texting lots of random people “I love you” and kept ringing people saying the same thing. Generally just talking shit and kept saying how much I like them. This went on pretty much all through the night.

    1.40 Don’t know exactly when the visuals started to happen, but 1.40 is the first time I posted about it so its probably the strongest at this point. Everything looks really far away and really small. Have to close one eye just to type on phone because I keep missing keys. Trying to plug charger cable into phone, keep missing. Looking at other objects is fine, I think its just digital screens that messes your vision up.

    1.43 – Felt a strong need to talk to people because my friends wasn’t answering phone. Tried to speak to random people. Taking pictures of myself dancing and videos.

    1.53 – Still going through lots of water. Still no sense of time. Still want to talk to everybody and love them. Keep touching my dog on its back and putting my face in her face. She decides to leave my room because, she might be a bit freaked out.

    2.04 – Still dancing naked in my room and hot. Haven’t gone to toilet once which is strange for me considering all the water I’ve drunk. Still getting rushes but much less often.

    2.07 – Still have music on full blast with my earphones. Usually hurts when I do that, but this time it did not. Decided to stop dancing and see what it was like playing Team Fortress.

    2.14 – Started playing Team Fortress vs BOTS. Usually I would never play vs bots because they are boring and stupid and shoot at walls. But for some reason I still found it really fun and I was getting totally owned by bots. I couldn’t concentrate properly on the game and kept getting distracted. Game feels very real.

    2.19 – Less of need to dance but still feel really happy.

    2.23 – Try to dance again but its too hard. So carry on playing Team Fortress. Got music on in background and i keep minimizing the game to post in the forum and I keep refreshing the page.

    2.34 – Starting to get cold, turn one of my fans off, stopped sweating probably because I’m not dancing anymore but still drinking water.

    2.37 – Dancing in my seat by moving my head and body. Still texting random people and music is still full blast and sounds amazing. Getting more cold, probably because I’m moving less. Body still have a tingling sensation.

    2.42 – Still playing game and posting in forum. Colours still amazing. Thinking about what it would be like to do another and thinking about how bad work is going to be soon. Visuals are still very strong as you can see by my typing in the thread.

    2.45 – Still want to talk to people and trying my best to get in contact with somebody so we can share experiences and say how amazing it is to each other.

    3.11 – Wearing off more now. Realize that I still have my game in background. Keep forgetting I minimize it.

    3.15 – Decide to try find somebody to talk to in my game, start speaking in microphone saying “I love you all”, “who wants to speak to me”.

    3.19 – Thinking I hear knocking noises at door and somebody wants to come in. Paused music and said “hello”. But nobody was actually there.

    3.22 Visuals still strong. No rushes and no dancing, still moving a bit in seat. Still playing Team Fortress when I remember its open. Mostly I’m just staring at the windows media player visuals which look amazing.

    3.56 – Effects gone more now except visuals. Posted saying “why it have to end so fast”. But I’m still texting and talking shit to people.

    4.01 – Music seems louder now and starting to hurt ears. Decide to turn it down so it sounds good.

    4.12 – Effects gone more, music turned down even more. Starting thinking about work again and started to regret some of the phone calls and texts I made. Sent a text saying “sorry” to a few people.

    4.16 – Still feeling happy and I feel like I have a need to get everybody to try this because it’s so good. Keep bragging to friends about how vie spent £10 and they spent £100 in clubs on drink and I’ve had a better night.

    4.19 – Grinding teeth a bit and music isn’t as loud. Not moving in seat much. Turned fans down even more because I’m getting more cold. Still a bit of tingling

    4.31 – Sound quality isn’t as good, eyes are hurting a bit because I have to keep straining them and closing one eye to type on phone. Feels like I need glasses.

    4.32 – Starting to have less love for people and told voodoo I no longer love him.

    4.37 – Game is less fun, still grinding teeth and apologizing to people. Turned music down more. Don’t really feel like playing my game.

    4.41 – Played Team Fortress even thou I didn’t feel like it that much, I seem better now, quicker and more alert and can finally kill bots.

    4.47 – Getting boredish and staring to regret some things I did. Still can’t see properly, still getting distracted and cant seem to stay on one thing at once.

    5.00 – Still have a need to talk to people but my friends are ignoring me. Still have no sense of time.

    5.06 – Still texting people explaining what happened. Not fully naked anymore.

    5.09 – Want to go to sleep but I know I cant. I feel tired but not the type of tired that needs sleep. Would have felt much better if I know I didn’t have work in 3 hours.

    5.11 – Less of need to speak to people by voice, only by text now.

    5.13 – First time I go for a piss after 2 bottles of water. Usually I would have had about 5 pisses if I had 2 bottles of water.

    5.15 – Still enjoying myself a little bit and still have music going. The feeling I have now is equal to MDAI, best way I can describe it. So even after 6 hours, its still equal to what MDAI does.

    5.29 – Kind of feeling annoyed my friends are not replying. Still no sense of time. Thinking about how bad work is going to be.

    5.33 – Wondering how I can get to sleep, I know I can’t so I don’t even bother trying. Still want to talk to somebody on MSN or in the forum to share experiences.

    5.47 – Getting more picky on music now. I listened to Michael Jackson because which I absolutely hate, but I actually liked him a few hours ago. My taste in music has gone very specific now. Don’t want to listen to clubbing/dance songs, I want more chilled out songs like Don’t Stop Believing.

    5.50 – I felt very Horney earlier in the night but I don’t feel horny anymore.

    5.55 – Getting forgetful and forgot what I was going to post in the forum because I got distracted.

    6.02 – Still listening to music, visuals are getting better. Speaking to voodoo on msn about random shit. Feeling thirsty and keep licking my lips.

    6.06 – Still teeth grinding and licking lips.

    6.12 – Starting to feel more normal, visuals are almost gone. Still listening to music but not too loud. Know I have work in 2 hours.

    6.26 – Fun seems to be over, but im not sad or depressed. The only thing making me sad is thinking about work. If I knew I didn’t have work, I would probably feel more relaxed.

    6.30 – Back and neck hurting a bit because of the dancing and my sitting position on the PC. Been here 7 hours and kept leaning into my monitor.

    6.41 – Still want to speak to voodoo but I don’t love him. For some reason it annoys me that he isn’t replying even thou I don’t really care. Maybe I was just bored.

    6.55 – Still texting people asking why they are not replying, keep wondering if their ignoring me on purpose or something.

    6.57 – Seems to be dragging on a bit, if I was in a club I think I would still be having fun. Getting bored on my own.

    7.06 – Still listening to music, still grinding teeth and licking lips, don’t feel depressed or sad.

    7.22 – Thinking about the things I did and the apologizing I’m going to have to do. But it was worth it. Wouldn’t have done any of the stuff when drunk.

    7.50 – Had a shower and brushes teeth. Kept moving my hips side to side when brushing teeth and laughing and smiling when I think about the night I had. Singing songs in my head. No real comedown but I’m thinking it will come.

    7.55 – Leaving in 5 min, feeling a bit hot but probably because I just had a shower. Open window and put fans on again. Decided to put a song on again. Feel alert and like I can do my job really fast and be really good at it.

    7.59 – Keep forgetting things and making mistakes. Sweating a bit so I decide to take my deodorant to work.

    8.00 – Leave for work. Taking phone with me to write down my thoughts during the day.

    8.15 – Put earphones and music in car. Chewing my chewing gum loud and to a beat so I was told. Didn’t realize I was doing that.

    8.25 – Arrive at work. Pupils are still diluted and worried about somebody going to notice. Walking around waiting to get inside, usually I just sit down. I keep moving. Still grinding teeth and licking lips a bit. Chewing gum helps here.

    8.40 – A girl arrives. For some reason I said I love her as a joke, but this is a type of joke I would never usually do. Kept talking random crap to her. I thought my love for people had gone. Tell her what I did and she promised not to tell anybody.

    9.50 – Drug dealer in work takes me to side and knew something was up. Says to me “mate, are you on something”, I just laughed and had to admit it because he knew. He saw me sweating more and could notice my pupils and said I looked a bit pale. I told him all about it and wanted him to try it too.

    9.52 – For some reason all through the day I felt a need to share this with people and try get them to do it too. I felt like it was a mission for them to try it because I wanted them to experience what I experienced.

    10.00 – Feel more tired now, didn’t feel very tired before but now I just can’t be bothered. Really don’t feel as good as I did before. Still not sure if it’s the drugs doing that, or the fact that I’m just really tired and haven’t slept in hours.

    12.30 – Go to mcdonalds for food. Haven’t had breakfast or eaten in ages but I’m not hungry for some reason. Usually I live for mcdonalds and go there whenever I can. This is the first time I didn’t finish a full mcdonalds. Somebody else came with me on my break, talked to her about the night and felt like I had to get her to try it too. She told me I kept moving quickly now and again but I didn’t notice it.

    4.30 – Didn’t get chance to update in between 12.30 and now. But generally I just felt really tired and made more mistakes than usual. Sweated a lot during work, went through 2 bottles of water and large mcdonalds drink. Never drink this much usually.

    4.31 – Fresh air feels really nice.

    5.00 – Get home but didn’t go to bed just yet. Decided to go on PC and listen to more music but very quietly. Still kept touching my body a bit because it felt nice. Still drinking water.

    7.30 – Don’t know what I did in between 5.00 and 7.30. Just talked to people I think.

    7.31 – I go to bed. No trouble getting to sleep. Moved a little more than usual in bed.


    1.00am – Woke up, felt like having some more water.

    1.05 – Decide to go back to bed because I know I have work later. Still moving more than usual in bed.

    10.40 – Work starts at 12.00 so my alarm wakes me up at 10.40. I could have slept longer but I know I couldn’t because of work.

    11.00 – Have a shower, feels nice. Get ready for work. Feeling much better after 15 hours sleep but wish I could have slept longer. Sunday night will be an early night again probably.

    12.00 – Arrive at work, feel fine, little forgetful still but probably because of lack of sleep.

    5.30 – Arrive home at 5.00. Feeling a little tired still. But not tired enough to go to bed. Decided to write this report and this is what I’m doing now.


    So that’s my report on Benzo Fury. If you can’t be bothered reading all that, I’ll just sum up for you, the best way I can describe it as is by saying it’s a 3 hour orgasm. I can’t explain it any other way. It was the best night and best experience of my life. I expected the comedown to be really bad, but it wasn’t, I just felt tired. So if that’s all you get from the comedown then I call it pretty much non existent. It’s a kind of an unfair analysis because the reason I was so tired was because I had work, if I didn’t have work the next day, I think the whole experience would have been much better. Im just so excited to try it again!


    • Felt like a permenant orgasm.
    • Never wanted it to end and wanted to keep that feeling for ever
    • Felt very happy and didn’t care about anything else in the world.
    • Colors and sounds were amazing, didn’t care what i listened to or what i looked at.
    • Talking to people felt amazing and felt really confident and like i could say or do anything.
    • Don’t feel depressed or sad, the comedown is the best comedown Ive had.
    • Felt very alert and sharp.


    • Nearly impossible to get to sleep for quite a while after it
    • Its that good, you will want to keep doing it and doing it if you have no self control
    • Very mild headache, possibly because i had to strain my eyes to type on my phone
    • Bad idea to do it if you have work the next day.
    • Feel very tired, probably because of lack of sleep. Feel great after sleep.
    • Lots of sweating and need lots of water and feel very hot.
    • Pupils stay diluted for very long time. People may notice the day after.

    My recommendations

    • Don’t have your phone with you. Hide it or do something so you cant use it. You will probably do loads of things you regret.
    • If you decide to take a pill in one go, like I did, make sure you have plenty of water with you all the time. I wouldn’t recommend drinking alcohol with this.
    • Take lots of breaks if you’re dancing and get fresh air now and again.
    • If you take it in a club, your going to need even more water because they are usually quite hot in there and your probably going to be dancing even more, so take even more water.
    • Be careful in a club not to get noticed because there is a high chance you will get kicked out. I’m glad I didn’t do it in a club for my first time because this would have hit me really hard because I wouldn’t have expected any of it.
    • I wouldn’t recommend doing 2 pills in a night because one is strong enough on its own.
    • I recommend trying it very soon before it gets banned. If you do decide to try it, make sure you have a day off work the next day.

    My top 3 high songs:


    Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina – Stereo Love


    Tiësto – Adagio For Strings


    Swedish House Mafia – One (Your Name) feat Pharrell
    (Probably listened to these around 50 times each)

    ‘Don’t have your phone with you. Hide it or do something so you cant use it. You will probably do loads of things you regret.’

    You’ve got to be joking.

    Why? I did loads of stupid things like texting people “marry me” , “i love you”. Alcohol doesn’t make me do that. Now i regret doing that, if i was going to do it again, i would not want to have my phone next to me.

    I’ve been extremely loved up on good quality MDMA many times and i never came slightly close to texting loads of people marry me!

    But who knows maybe Benzo fury is different!! i highly doubt it but im sure it does give good euphoria but stimulants are dirty soul draining drugs so i try to avoid them.


    Post some vids and some of your phone convos please i need a laugh!

    Lol no way. My friends are disturbed by the phone calls they make me sound really bad. I cringe when i listen to them. Think i’m going to delete them.

    Your a scouser as well ain’t ya? let’s hear em =D

    a 2 hour orgasm lol……its good but not that good id take mdma anyday

    @Bidybag 394079 wrote:

    Lol no way. My friends are disturbed by the phone calls they make me sound really bad. I cringe when i listen to them. Think i’m going to delete them.

    Unless you prove it I’ll not belive you! :laugh_at:

    I have rediscovered life and seen life in a whole new light. I now have a reason to live!

    @Bidybag 394157 wrote:

    I have rediscovered life and seen life in a whole new light. I now have a reason to live!

    so it causes psychosis then too? nice.

    @Bidybag 394157 wrote:

    I have rediscovered life and seen life in a whole new light. I now have a reason to live!

    have you seen human traffic? you’re like that 17 yr old who they get on pills for the first time


    Your words are nothing to me, they are just pixels, they do not harm me. I have seen life for what it is and i am no longer afraid of anything.






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!