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My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!

Forums Drugs Research Chemicals My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!

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  • its a analogue of MDA which was also a very slow come up on some occasions (around 2 hour mark)

    @Mezz 484942 wrote:

    Necked my 1st ABP6 pellet at 6.15pm, it’s now 7.25 pm

    So far not feeling anything, not going to top up incase it’s a slow burner or takes a while to metabolize but right now thinking this is lame stuff

    On Drone I would have some tune on, be dancing, sweating, heart pounding and getting lovely chattery jaw rushes by now

    On this Im watching TV and thinking about cooking some food

    Seriously, is this it ??? Maybe I will try another at 8.15, 2 hours is twice the time anything should take to kick in


    K starting to feel something now, not going to top up as it to a long time to kick in and I want to see how long and how strong the peak is before doing any more

    So will edit this post as the night goes on

    6:15pm – Dropped 1x pellet

    7:30pm – Was starting to doubt it would do anything, put on the heating to warm up as I find being warm helps bring me up

    7:45pm – Starting to feel it, mild stim, sitting upright now not lazing back, still watching TV but harder to follow the plot, no real energy yet but wide awake and clear headed

    8:15 – Nice little glow, pupils dilated, no increased heart or breathing rate, no urge to dance or anything like that, but big smiles and empty head, and cooking food was a mistake, one bite and put the rest in the oven, maybe it will be edible tomorrow, but I wont be eating tonight lol

    9:15pm – Nice buzz, seems to have peaked and just riding the big smiles, still no speedy energy, no Drone hornyness, bit like old MDMA loved up feeling, got the urge to call up by ex-GF but thought better of it, bit wobbly so definitely not driving to her place. Pupils very dilated. Thinking I like this, but not sure what to do with it, not sure I could have sex on it, wouldnt go clubbing on it. Heart/breathing rate normal although smoking a lot, bit tense in the jaw, bit warm but not overheating, sweaty palm but not sweating, just nice. Cant really follow the TV, going to put on some tunes even if I cant dance to them.

    Hate to duplicate but the ‘edit’ button has vanished, K got pretty mashed last night so will try to fill details from after by last edit on the post above

    10-10:30ish – Seemed to be coming down so decided to top up with 1/2 pellet

    12:30-ish – The top up 1/2 pellet kicked in and really brought me back up, but oddly it added to the stim effects not the loved up effects, liking that so dropped an other 1/2, damn this is moreish lol

    2nd top up didnt seem to do anything, maybe cutting the pellet in 1/2 put the active bit in the 1st and inactive filler in the 2nd.

    With the top up I did get a bit squirly, need to move around, but loss of equilibrium meant I couldnt really dance on it so not something I would take on night out.

    Still no hornyness like with Drone, but you can get it up and use it several hours without finishing, dont ask for details as I was alone so nothing to boast about lol Sex on this could be good, but only if your both on the same buzz, sweats kicked in so Im guessing I wouldnt have been very attractive to someone not on the same buzz lol

    One weird and worrying side effect, my pupils were very dilated ( not usually when trollied ) but when I checked them in the mirror I noticed I had gone slightly crosseyed, right eye forward, left eye 2 or 3mm off center, this also gave a few visual distortions, I saw 2 packs of cigs on the table and thought I dont recall buying 2 packs, then I noticed 2 bottles of water and relalised I was seeing these 2 items in double.

    3:30-4am – must have fallen asleep on the sofa

    10am – woke and cleaned up, woke up pretty much at baseline, although very tired, drained and aching muscles ( to be expected ), eyes are back to normal, mild headache but thats probably more due to smoking to much ( done pack of 20 cigs between 6:15pm and 3:30am )


    Surprised I fell asleep on a stim, ABP6 seems to take a long time to kick in ( about 2 hours after taking ), a short burn ( peak 3 hours which doesnt last long making you want to top up to peak again ), then you crash ( about 5 hours after taking it )

    1x pellet is a very nice head space, but you need 2x pellets to get any real stim effect

    The crosseyed affect was worrying

    Loss of equilibrium means it’s not really a clubbing drug

    Good that you can sleep afterwards and no real comedown compared to Drone or Es

    I think I would take this again if with someone, but not on my own.

    If there was a more powerful stim that could be safely mixed with this that would make it a lot better

    @Mezz 485087 wrote:

    Loss of equilibrium means it’s not really a clubbing drug

    yea I thought that too, all you really want to do is lay down and zone out to tunes, cant see myself enjoying it at a rave or party!

    @Portsmouth-Ritch 485098 wrote:

    yea I thought that too, all you really want to do is lay down and zone out to tunes, cant see myself enjoying it at a rave or party!

    Yeah not just being unsteady on feet, there were also a few drowsy moments when I was so into the buzz and the music that it was hard to keep my eyes open

    @Mezz 485121 wrote:

    Yeah not just being unsteady on feet, there were also a few drowsy moments when I was so into the buzz and the music that it was hard to keep my eyes open

    Yea I found that, there was a few times it was edging to actually falling asleep, it was very nice, just I think if I was out on it I would feel ill where I couldn’t lay down lol. I would consider having a few lines of coke on it to hit it with some sort of stim effect.

    100% agree bidybag, i did my first bz fury other night i took 2 cos didnt realise tht it takes ages t works so had 1 n then another an hour later and it is the best feeling in the world brill stuff ive just orderd a shit load awsome stuff, u still dabbling in it?

    Had some quality benzo fury over weekend from a new place and these were defo the best 🙂 i have had

    TBH I still have what was left over from my 1st order, not had the urge to take it again or buy more, and the effect of going slightly cross-eyed was very worrying, I had laser eye surgery several years ago to correct my vision and free me from glasses, last thing I want to do is risk screwing up my vision, that with the lack of energy or horn, and loss of equilibrium means I dont think I will take this stuff again.

    due to research on the net i have found a very place to purchase from and they do all sorts of different forms of plant food, I have tried some of their products but only a minimal amount and they have also gave me some good advise, i am looking to experiment with some more products in the future

    Hey im new to the forum, i love the benzo powder 🙂

    Methylone Crystals
    MDMA Crystals
    and others
    Place of origin is China
    Product purity and quality is as high as 99.8% .
    Powder, big and small crystalline forms available.
    Recent and past courier trackings available for your guarantee.
    Each batch of products undergoes deliberate quality check to ensure it’s highest purity and potency levels.
    Superb Customer Service!
    skype : kerrychemltd

    Cheap Geese. Quack!

    I know of better pellets

    READ MY POST ON BENZO Combination. It’s how to safely use them for recreational use!

    get some real drugs






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!