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My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!

Forums Drugs Research Chemicals My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!

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  • lol alot of ppl are like that huggin pppl and shit 1st time i was on mdma but never on any other drug like i think you justy get a hit the 1st time that never comes back bt it was amazing im glad ive been able to try pure mdma first time i got wiped out and plenty of times cus if it was a few year later it wud be shit but its sweetthank fuck its comin back!!!!

    Ill see on Thursday what its like to do it again. I’m guessing it wont be as good.

    Cant decide if i’m going to do it at home or go clubbing and do it.

    I tried this drug on Saturday around 20.00pm. It came in a powder form and ingested a small amount as warned not to snort it . Went out with a friend who also had some, went to a bar felt no effects at all. Thought I had been scammed.

    Must have been at least an hour after I started to come up. I became very alert and became very chatty and sociable. Felt good actually. Kind of mellow. Went to a club about 11.00pm and ingested a bit more, only a small amount. Got more sociable, and felt overwelmed with confidence but still felt very much in control, clear headed. Danced all night, felt the need to chat all the time, felt absolutely great. Came out of club about 3.30am. Got chatting to some random people on the way home. Got home about 4.30am, very dry mouth and felt slightly nauseous but still felt good. Rang a friend who was also out with me as I we couldn’t sleep. talked for about an hour.

    It was getting on for 7.30am and thought I better try and get some sleep…no chance. Heart was beating really fast, and just couldn’t switch off. It was getting on for 9.30 and still no sign of falling asleep so gave up. After feeling great and overwelming convidence earlier, I started to get an overwelming feeling of paranoia and anxiety. Heartbeat still racing. This carried on all day, by night took some sleeping tablets but still had a restless sleep. Complete loss of appetite aswell. Monday didn’t feel great either and very agitated/restless, still no appetite but managed to force something down.

    Overall great experience socially but such a horrific comedown. Maybe I had a bit too much. I’m very wary to try this again. I wondered if anyone else experienced something similar?

    @Mr Mojo Risin’ 394312 wrote:

    I tried this drug on Saturday around 20.00pm. It came in a powder form and ingested a small amount as warned not to snort it . Went out with a friend who also had some, went to a bar felt no effects at all. Thought I had been scammed.

    Must have been at least an hour after I started to come up. I became very alert and became very chatty and sociable. Felt good actually. Kind of mellow. Went to a club about 11.00pm and ingested a bit more, only a small amount. Got more sociable, and felt overwelmed with confidence but still felt very much in control, clear headed. Danced all night, felt the need to chat all the time, felt absolutely great. Came out of club about 3.30am. Got chatting to some random people on the way home. Got home about 4.30am, very dry mouth and felt slightly nauseous but still felt good. Rang a friend who was also out with me as I we couldn’t sleep. talked for about an hour.

    It was getting on for 7.30am and thought I better try and get some sleep…no chance. Heart was beating really fast, and just couldn’t switch off. It was getting on for 9.30 and still no sign of falling asleep so gave up. After feeling great and overwelming convidence earlier, I started to get an overwelming feeling of paranoia and anxiety. Heartbeat still racing. This carried on all day, by night took some sleeping tablets but still had a restless sleep. Complete loss of appetite aswell. Monday didn’t feel great either and very agitated/restless, still no appetite but managed to force something down.

    Overall great experience socially but such a horrific comedown. Maybe I had a bit too much. I’m very wary to try this again. I wondered if anyone else experienced something similar?

    I’m sold!!!! Where do i buy this crap?

    ‘horrific comedown’ mmmmmm sort of like a 3 hour orgasm aint that right bidybag?

    @Mr Mojo Risin’ 394312 wrote:

    I tried this drug on Saturday around 20.00pm. It came in a powder form and ingested a small amount as warned not to snort it . Went out with a friend who also had some, went to a bar felt no effects at all. Thought I had been scammed.

    Must have been at least an hour after I started to come up. I became very alert and became very chatty and sociable. Felt good actually. Kind of mellow. Went to a club about 11.00pm and ingested a bit more, only a small amount. Got more sociable, and felt overwelmed with confidence but still felt very much in control, clear headed. Danced all night, felt the need to chat all the time, felt absolutely great. Came out of club about 3.30am. Got chatting to some random people on the way home. Got home about 4.30am, very dry mouth and felt slightly nauseous but still felt good. Rang a friend who was also out with me as I we couldn’t sleep. talked for about an hour.

    It was getting on for 7.30am and thought I better try and get some sleep…no chance. Heart was beating really fast, and just couldn’t switch off. It was getting on for 9.30 and still no sign of falling asleep so gave up. After feeling great and overwelming convidence earlier, I started to get an overwelming feeling of paranoia and anxiety. Heartbeat still racing. This carried on all day, by night took some sleeping tablets but still had a restless sleep. Complete loss of appetite aswell. Monday didn’t feel great either and very agitated/restless, still no appetite but managed to force something down.

    Overall great experience socially but such a horrific comedown. Maybe I had a bit too much. I’m very wary to try this again. I wondered if anyone else experienced something similar?

    I downed 4 over 18 hrs and felt more like off my face, drunk but still in control and not talking shite like above. It wasnt any amphetamine type, more of an opiate. I didnt have any trouble going to sleep at the end and was up not even the full 24 hrs.

    Others were posting on teh HH forum said the same. Not some speed experience.

    And this was only pellets, not powder.

    @Mr Mojo Risin’ 394312 wrote:

    I tried this drug on Saturday around 20.00pm. It came in a powder form and ingested a small amount as warned not to snort it . Went out with a friend who also had some, went to a bar felt no effects at all. Thought I had been scammed.

    Must have been at least an hour after I started to come up. I became very alert and became very chatty and sociable. Felt good actually. Kind of mellow. Went to a club about 11.00pm and ingested a bit more, only a small amount. Got more sociable, and felt overwelmed with confidence but still felt very much in control, clear headed. Danced all night, felt the need to chat all the time, felt absolutely great. Came out of club about 3.30am. Got chatting to some random people on the way home. Got home about 4.30am, very dry mouth and felt slightly nauseous but still felt good. Rang a friend who was also out with me as I we couldn’t sleep. talked for about an hour.

    It was getting on for 7.30am and thought I better try and get some sleep…no chance. Heart was beating really fast, and just couldn’t switch off. It was getting on for 9.30 and still no sign of falling asleep so gave up. After feeling great and overwelming convidence earlier, I started to get an overwelming feeling of paranoia and anxiety. Heartbeat still racing. This carried on all day, by night took some sleeping tablets but still had a restless sleep. Complete loss of appetite aswell. Monday didn’t feel great either and very agitated/restless, still no appetite but managed to force something down.

    Overall great experience socially but such a horrific comedown. Maybe I had a bit too much. I’m very wary to try this again. I wondered if anyone else experienced something similar?

    It annoys me when people come here posting a bad report WHEN YOU FUCKING DIDN’T GET THE OFFICIAL STUFF. The official stuff does NOT come in powder, this means you did not buy it from one of the 5 official suppliers.

    Its like having an apple and then posting a review on a banana. So please if you do intend to do a report, make sure you actually get the real stuff.

    @Bidybag 394345 wrote:

    It annoys me when people come here posting a bad report WHEN YOU FUCKING DIDN’T GET THE OFFICIAL STUFF. The official stuff does NOT come in powder, this means you did not buy it from one of the 5 official suppliers.

    Its like having an apple and then posting a review on a banana. So please if you do intend to do a report, make sure you actually get the real stuff.

    the concept of “official” drugs is highly amusing.

    @1984 394353 wrote:

    the concept of “official” drugs is highly amusing.

    Possibly the most truthful post in the entire thread.:lol_fast:

    Not really. Benzo was only released the first of August and there are only 5 websites that have access to the official supplier. This comes in the official packaging and comes factory sealed.

    Other websites claim to sell Benzo but they will send their product in their own packaging and usually in a powder. This will never be as good as the original, they were even selling it before Benzo was officially released. I wouldn’t touch the stuff from a third party website, who knows what they have mixed it with. Probably has their remaining NRG1 stock in it or something.

    What’s your company called Bidybag?

    @Bidybag 394357 wrote:

    Not really. Benzo was only released the first of August and there are only 5 websites that have access to the official supplier. This comes in the official packaging and comes factory sealed.

    Other websites claim to sell Benzo but they will send their product in their own packaging and usually in a powder. This will never be as good as the original, they were even selling it before Benzo was officially released.

    The chemical name for 6-APB is known, anyone can pay a chinese lab to synth it for them. There have been legit vendors outside of the UK selling it since several months back.

    Yes there are a lot of scam vendors out there, but having “official” in the name doesn’t make a site any more legitimate. The drug is overpriced, you can get it elsewhere very cheaply whereas from these sites you are paying £10 for a single dose, maybe even half a dose if you’re one of the unlucky ones who gets a weak pellet.

    One of the “official” vendors even states that their product is 6-APDB not 6-APB, while the others state that the official vendors sell 6-APB not 6-APDB. That means one of two things, either lies, or that at least some of the vendors have no idea what it is they’re actually selling – both of which are very bad.

    Some peoples’ stupidity is overwhelming.

    @Bidybag 394345 wrote:

    It annoys me when people come here posting a bad report WHEN YOU FUCKING DIDN’T GET THE OFFICIAL STUFF. The official stuff does NOT come in powder, this means you did not buy it from one of the 5 official suppliers.

    Its like having an apple and then posting a review on a banana. So please if you do intend to do a report, make sure you actually get the real stuff.

    It annoys me when people come here posting a GOOD report WHEN YOUR TRYING TO SELL THE “OFFICIAL STUFF”.

    “Its like having an apple and then posting a review on a banana. So please if you do intend to do a report, make sure you actually get the real stuff.”

    Unlike what you did by making up the trip report making it out to be really good .. when alot of others are saing the “official stuff” is no where near as good as your making it out to be. Alltho most reports are stating the same thing as each other – Short mdma like high that lasts not as long and is not quite as good as mdma but close-ish with a not very nice, quite long comedown!


    @Bidybag 394357 wrote:

    Not really. Benzo was only released the first of August and there are only 5 websites that have access to the official supplier. This comes in the official packaging and comes factory sealed.

    Other websites claim to sell Benzo but they will send their product in their own packaging and usually in a powder. This will never be as good as the original, they were even selling it before Benzo was officially released. I wouldn’t touch the stuff from a third party website, who knows what they have mixed it with. Probably has their remaining NRG1 stock in it or something.

    lol and who officiates this process? to make it official like? is it a government scheme?

    In Camden Lock, London you can get official crack, its the bomb. There’s this big rasta dude who has this rubber stamp….






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals My Benzo Fury report – Mkat replacement is here!