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My boyfriend is a Heroin Addict…

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery My boyfriend is a Heroin Addict…

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  • OMG!! i cnt believe ur only 21 and hav only been using for 4months, i am 24 and hav been using 4 9yearz ive been registerd on the program 5 timez and subi once. my parents were addicts and alcoholics, so r my 2 brotherz. i em amazed by ur story n the fact that uve managed 2 stay clean. we need alot more people out there like urself 2 set an example 4 the younger generations. i wish u the best of luck, i really do.

    crap shit fuck I acidently erased my answer…that will have to wait for another good day, now I want to drink some beer

    And listen to loud music

    @SRM86 436027 wrote:

    OMG!! i cnt believe ur only 21 and hav only been using for 4months, i am 24 and hav been using 4 9yearz ive been registerd on the program 5 timez and subi once. my parents were addicts and alcoholics, so r my 2 brotherz. i em amazed by ur story n the fact that uve managed 2 stay clean. we need alot more people out there like urself 2 set an example 4 the younger generations. i wish u the best of luck, i really do.

    thank you for your support I wouldn’t class myself as clean I use methadone to stop withdrawals and still crave the needle and the feeling from heroin. I have alot of support from my mum but my dad is also an alcoholic who I do not have much contact with whatsoever and addiction also seems to run in my family although I am the first to be addicted to opiates it’s usually alcohol. I’m sorry to hear you have had so much trouble quitting if you don’t mind me asking what do you use/how often and what route do you administer???
    I do appreciate you think I set a good example to younger generations but I can assure you I’m not all good I have criminal convictions for various things from violence to drug charges all of which stem from my drug abuse and so called chav lifestyle here in the UK I must add I’m not a little idiot who thinks he’s hard and all that crap I just got sucked into the drug culture and crime just happened to be a big part of that in my area.

    Hey baby i think that he will leave this only when he want himslef to get out of this…the more you will force him the more he will go away from you…

    If you want to do anything for your BF, just get a new one. No person in this world would listen to his GF to get over it if he is an addict. May be the pain of your loss makes him to come to his senses and try some rehabilitation. If not, you have your new BF 🙂


    @ian24 436927 wrote:

    If you want to do anything for your BF, just get a new one. No person in this world would listen to his GF to get over it if he is an addict. May be the pain of your loss makes him to come to his senses and try some rehabilitation. If not, you have your new BF 🙂


    skag is good shit, just don’t redose to much in 1 day or your tolerance goes through the roof and you drain whatever goodness was in your brain and get a banging hangover/withdrawal.

    I found if you do .2 of smack a day (street quality) you enjoy the buzz way more and don’t majorly crave more and feel shit at all. I’ve done this 4 days in a row as well and then stopped for 10 days and felt no cravings or comedown/withdrawals.

    skag can be used safely and healthily, just so easy to dose all day everyday with this stuff but LESS IS MORE!!! 100%

    Heroin addiction is 100% curable. Plenty of drug treatments are effective enough to help but it will never be easy.

    Heroin Addiction is very bad for health so please don’t want to addict this drug and i suggest you, you can find good person for your bright feature and enjoy your lovely life with him.

    First I’ll say I am sorry to hear about your boyfriend. Heroin is a tough substance to let go of however it can be done. It just may be that he is not ready yet to let go. Regardless, it is good that he does have your support and you have made that evident to him. If it turns out that he does go back to rehab whenever he comes out it would not be a bad idea to further showing your support by going to al-anon or nar-anon meetings. To show him you are trying to better understand and want to offer your support. You can even go with him to his meetings, which may offer him more comfort as well.






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery My boyfriend is a Heroin Addict…