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My laptop will not charge : (

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology My laptop will not charge : (

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  • I’m running out of time.,goodbye PV. See you on the other side.

    22 mins remaining 😥

    And I barely knew you 😥

    Use the last few minutes to order a new battery from eBay!

    Do it quickly!

    I got a computer shop bellow me, I went down and he had the charger, but it was £25 jib : (. So I went down to the other computer shop which is normaly better priced than the nerds downstairs. He tried to flog me this generic charger which was the size of a brick and £40. Or he could have ordered me the toshiba one I want for £30.

    So now my girlfriend is pissed off cos I had to spend £25 on a charger. After I bought it the nerd said to me “Oh yeah by the way this new adapter is a 3 pin plug where your ald one is a figure 8 lead. I sell the 3 pin mains leads for £2.99!!!!. 🙁

    But he gave it to me for free cos he sympathised with me being in shit with my missis. He could have just let me have the whole thing for a few quid or something.

    what happened to the other charger, did it just pack up or is it missing?

    the old style is way better for audio as it doesn’t put the assorted crap from the mains earth into your signal. I was lucky enough to find one for £17 at ASDA of all places which is how I was able to use that perhaps slightly newer Tosh for the carts playout and audio monitoring, before the signal was so filthy no amount of ferrites, cheeseweasel specials or using balanced audio would quiet the noise coming from any audio out of that machine.

    it probably won’t be as much of a issue on the headphones and isn’t there on battery, but if you connect the laptop to anything else it can be really annoying.

    the copies are about £25-£30 full price, but I don’t think they are worth that much myself (hence why I got mine at ASDA and “independent shops” complain they aren’t doing business) – at least he gave you the lead free although they are about £1.50 from places like CPC.

    @thelog 488541 wrote:

    My laptop will not charge

    Free laptop use YAY!

    @DaftFader 488575 wrote:

    Free laptop use YAY!

    You betta watch your cheek boyo. 😛

    @General Lighting 488568 wrote:

    what happened to the other charger, did it just pack up or is it missing?

    The wire has been fucking up over the last week or so. and this morning the connection finally broke inside the insulation. I tested it with a volty gadgety thing and it was deaded so I had to get a new one. But that was after I sent out a distress call to PV. Just incase I was stuck without a lappy for some time.

    @thelog 488579 wrote:

    The wire has been fucking up over the last week or so. and this morning the connection finally broke inside the insulation. I tested it with a volty gadgety thing and it was deaded so I had to get a new one. But that was after I sent out a distress call to PV. Just incase I was stuck without a lappy for some time.

    Yeah, it’s a VERY stupid solution the manufacturers use – the wire that takes the power to the laptop, doesn’t actually have the long term capacity to transfer the juice.

    Eventually, because the wires stay hot, the insulation melts, the wires short out inside the cable, and it’s bye-bye power supply.

    In fact, with only one exception (Fujitsu circa 2003) ALL laptop power supplies and connectors that I have come across have sucked donkey balls.

    Moral – don’t buy a unit with a built in DVD or Blu-ray drive. Netbooks use LOTS less power. You can always plug in an external USB DVD or Blu-Ray drive (and you’ll make friends with other owners who don’t have such a drive but who get software on DVD or Blu-Ray and want that software running on their Netbook).






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology My laptop will not charge : (