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Mysterious crystal/rock

Forums Drugs Drug Pictures and Identification Mysterious crystal/rock

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  • Recently a buddy of mine had a roommate kicked out and found a bag of whatever this is in an air vent aswell as some seemingly used spoons and syringes. It has a faint smell of cinnamon, I heated it on foil to see how it reacts and it bubbled, became more gooey, absolutely no smoke or vapor results. After cooling a minute or so it re-hardens. Fucking weird…also slowly dissolves if left in water.

    Wonder wtf it is.

    Big WTF from where I’m sitting over here.

    its quite difficult to take hard drugs in a small shared room without being discovered (as hiding in the WC each time is likely to cause annoyance when otehrs want to go) so the other alternatives usually involve taking the drugs in plain sight of everyone else where it might not be unreasoble folk expect you to share some of them.

    perhaps this dude got kicked out of the room for having / offering poor quality drugs?

    Kind of looks like some crank being red and crystal, but I have no clue really, if the original poster could provide us with more info on the situation that would probably be the best route for ID’ing that substance.

    GL, that is a hilarious way to get kicked out of a house.






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Forums Drugs Drug Pictures and Identification Mysterious crystal/rock