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  • Just got it back of my brother… fuck the new consoles, this is what it’s all about!

    Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Mario Kart, Mario 64, Lylat Wars, ISS64, Perfect Dark, Zelda, Donkey Kong 64…

    Am completing Banjo Kazooie at the minute. The best platform out of Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie and DK64? I can’t decide.

    Also, did anyone ever complete Majora’s Mask? I never can get far in it, it’s dissapointing after Ocarina of Time IMO I get bored and it gets forgotten.

    raaa N64 was great, I remember spending hours playing zelda classic game, goldeneye set the standard for multi-player shoot em ups IMO

    I brought a N64 couple weeks back, but the fooking av lead (i think it is) is buggered and now i have to buy another one! Its just sitting in my room doing nothing!
    Im on the hunt for a SNES when i get paid next 🙂

    Love the retro, fuck all this wii shit, far to expensive. tisk.

    rachus wrote:
    I brought a N64 couple weeks back, but the fooking av lead (i think it is) is buggered and now i have to buy another one! Its just sitting in my room doing nothing!
    Im on the hunt for a SNES when i get paid next 🙂

    Love the retro, fuck all this wii shit, far to expensive. tisk.

    We went SNES last year – great larf. Only thing is the guns don’t work on LCD tellies:laugh_at:

    N64 was proper mustard back in the day, Me and me boys used to always play goldeneye, used to love that game!! raaa

    rachus wrote:
    I brought a N64 couple weeks back, but the fooking av lead (i think it is) is buggered and now i have to buy another one! Its just sitting in my room doing nothing!
    Im on the hunt for a SNES when i get paid next 🙂

    Love the retro, fuck all this wii shit, far to expensive. tisk.

    The AV lead will work form any Nintendo console (Bar the Wii, it has a different connector), so you could use the same lead as this SNES your looking for….

    Retro gaming rules!! Forever playing emulators on my PC :weee:

    still got my n64 from back in the day. i set it up every now and then along with my sega megadrive, new consoles have proved 2 me they are definatley not better. wow HD graphics that dont beat goldeneye or even older and more classical sonic

    cant help but wack out the old n64 for a session now and then. the end of Majora’s Mask is probably the best bit its so weird! almost trippy.

    pah to you nintendo ‘eds …

    keep it Sega!

    naa sega is defiantly awesome too. the countless hours i spent playing toe jam and earl. what a classic


    just got re-united with my good friend ‘golden axe’ …

    oohhh yeah, did you ever see the golden axe arcade machine? pretty sweet

    complexialplex wrote:
    oohhh yeah, did you ever see the golden axe arcade machine? pretty sweet

    noooooooooooo :hopeless:

    i would love to own an arcade machine …

    but one can only dream …

    Digital-A wrote:
    noooooooooooo :hopeless:

    i would love to own an arcade machine …

    but one can only dream …

    Dude if you win the lotto or something then get this one!! :love:

    DJCliffy wrote:

    :love: :love:

    top banana …

    just nipping out to pick me numbers now 😉






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