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  • How dare you talk about sega when this is a n64 thread! Go mkae your own thread tisk… I love n64 i cant play resident evil 2 though cos i get shit scared and i cant play marioworld because i cant rememeber what i have to do.. I can only play yoshi story and thats just cute 🙂

    i enjoy the simple things in life…

    ‘whos up for a game then?’

    ocarina sets the standard for any game, ever.

    that said the n64 has the most memorable games of any consoles.

    Talking of sega, did anyone ever have a sega Saturn? I didn’t but at the time really wanted one. saved up for one and then as quick as it arrived they discontinued em! :hopeless:

    Tek Offensive wrote:
    ocarina sets the standard for any game, ever.

    and in my opinion no game has ever been as good.

    spark_plug wrote:
    ‘whos up for a game then?’

    all that effort settin it up too… but i was sleepy :yawn:

    boothy wrote:
    Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Mario Kart, Mario 64, Lylat Wars, ISS64, Perfect Dark, Zelda, Donkey Kong 64…

    Am completing Banjo Kazooie at the minute. The best platform out of Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie and DK64? I can’t decide.

    Also, did anyone ever complete Majora’s Mask? I never can get far in it, it’s dissapointing after Ocarina of Time IMO I get bored and it gets forgotten.

    answers to your question

    the games of our generation. all awsome

    mario 64, still tha best.

    never played majora mask. ne good?

    Tek Offensive wrote:
    answers to your question

    the games of our generation. all awsome

    mario 64, still tha best.

    never played majora mask. ne good?

    majoras mask was the biggest let down in history, nah it was ok but a fraction of what ocarina was

    i don’t know about that, but when you have already had it so good and lets not be silly about this ocarina is the best game ever made ever. it was always going to be hard for majora’s to satisfy.

    all this talk about ocarina has made me whack out the gamecube once again.






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