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  • Well meth is cheap in California so moderation instead of abstinence would be my suggestion.

    @Shakyamuni 979708 wrote:

    Well meth is cheap in California so moderation instead of abstinence would be my suggestion.

    That is not an optuon with someone explicitly stating they have no control over meth sadly shakyamuni.

    @tryptameanie 979710 wrote:

    That is not an optuon with someone explicitly stating they have no control over meth sadly shakyamuni.

    Didn’t pick up on the no control bit, I guess steering clear is the only good plan.

    Kinda depends on the preferred ROA with meth as far as how bad the abuse can get.

    ROA is actually bullshit as far a s reasearch Ive read (from professor Carl Hart). The ROA provides a faster more intense hit but addictiveness is determined by the individual, even with compoudns that most would consider anyone would be a hopeless addict on after one hit.

    I get what you’re saying but meth has 100% bio-availability when shot and 70% when administered orally; totally determined by the individual but if you start out shooting it then there is no time to go down hill from smoking to shooting.

    Right,and what’s the bioavailability when IVed or plugged????? Also, if you were suing meth would you not adjust the dose downwards if you were gonna vape instead of snort or whatever?????

    Dude, not everyone would adjust the dose down, most would, but Darwin hasn’t gotten around to giving everyone a participation trophy yet. I was saying 100% for IV

    Well I can’t account for idiots but I know when I vape something I better adjust the dose right down or I might die, as I think I almost have twice.

    Obviously anyone who thinks it through will adjust the dose down but newbies might honestly think (wrongly) that snorting is more intense or what not, because putting a straw up your nose seems hardcore compared to putting a pipe to your lips. Not everyone has been doing this for 10 or 20 years, there is no accounting for lack of information or misinformation.

    What substances almost killed you?

    2c-p and ephenidine.






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals Names of RC’s