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New Year ideas anyone?

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals New Year ideas anyone?

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  • We really should start thinking about the millenium – any ideas? If we hold a party a need to hire anything, prices will be high if we don’t get it sorted now.

    A *good* party would be *very* cool 😉

    Yeah, I totally agree with the need to get something together sooner rather than later.
    If we need to get a rig we should book one soonish.
    The prices I’ve heard quoted by some crews are kinda astronomical!


    Just thought I’d drop u a line with my thoughts on NYE!

    If you’re thinking of doing a free party for we (mutant pollutant) did the United Systems party in London last NYE. I can recommend doing it if you’re thinking of going to London. Check out the review on our web site for more details.

    As for this year we can’t decide wether to go to London or stay round this area. I mean you’ll be able to do a party almost anywhere on NYE i recon! Personaly I like the idea of staying around this area and trying to organise a massive party. Any thoughts?

    and another thing!

    we were also thinking of doing something in Reading in the nearish future. Would you be interested in us doing a room at one of your Cryonix nights?

    We are currently looking at a new venue that will have 2×200 cap rooms…it’s being re-furbed at the mo but is looking real promising.
    We’re taking a break until october due to it being far to nice to be cooped up inside some club or other! And the students have all f***ed off which is the majority of the crowd…just a minor thang..hehe
    You doing any parties soon?? must confess haven’t been to your site recently…slap my wrists..;p
    I’ve been speaking with the guy I run Cryonix with regarding using you guys and he, like me, is quite up for it…maybe we could get together over some beers and whatever and see what we come up with.
    I’m really up for playing on the free party scene again as it’s been a while…

    our next party probably won’t be ’till at least the end of August due to people being on holiday and things like that. i’ll e-mail u around the middle/end of next month with more info and to arange meeting up for a chat. i’ll also probably come down to your thing on the 6th.

    Soundz coo-el…hopefully see ya on the 6th

    Well…LTP have been asked to do a Dance event for reading in the town center. The idea is that we close the IDR and use the flyover as the support for a *huge* markee allowing us to turn the space under it into a party (yes this really is true)

    Of course you are *all* invited ;))

    See ya

    I should bloody well hope so too!


    I like the idea of a ‘Lost the Plot’ takes on Reading, close and cover a stretch of the IDR, 5 system millenium madness party for 5000 people with the massive PVC partyvibe system & DJs (Haze, Jurassic, Drude, PSJ, etc.. (hehe!!)) and other local rigs with a massive national press and instant superclub status… Never have/want to work again stylee! Big up the dream…..






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals New Year ideas anyone?