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next big czech free event?

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Czechtek next big czech free event?

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  • hi there,
    we are planning to have a trip to praha and would like to do it in connection with a nice tek there. Anybody knows the next czarotek/shot down the witch/whatever in calendar there?


    is too early to say about summer party in Czech….

    what about things in may or june? Any big multirig+multiday party would do for us, it doesnt have to be a teknival

    I think they now have the same problems as all of us in EU have. You just cannot say too much too soon. If you do police and other authorities can stop the party. When the Euro-rave info is available people do post it so we just need to be patient..

    im Write Year ago how its look in Czech please look to topic festival 2009 and topic *shot the witch* czarotek* klokocow*
    that is link

    yep and Pawel got the info in March. So if it is happening only one month to wait…

    I only say what that be look in 2010, IF its happen, but I not sure…………………………………
    2008 on girl be brutal common raped, some accident with cars… 2009 that gay who be fund cold died on party place some robbery from shop lots of drunk and driving and others serious problem. if the party happen probably be last one like czechtek in 2006 (than don’t mean worst of course)

    No “SHOT DOWN THE WITCH 4” at Klokočov near Vitkov. That Year.

    but of course other party in the Czech Republic will be.

    where? info etc!?
    the 30.04 is next week and we must plan that trip!






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Czechtek next big czech free event?