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  • Does anyone know for sure the law reagarding use, sale, and, possesion of nitrous? I always thought about the administering of it aspect.

    it’s completely legal

    are they not tryin to stop the open sale of it tho? the last few festivals i been to wernt sellin it was wierd bein at a gig wit no giggle gas they stall owners sed its cz of a clamp down ??

    yeah i got chucked out of a couple for selling. i know they dont like the mess the cream thingys make but mines medical grade in a big bottle

    FFS first K and now the old laughing gas. :you_crazy :you_crazy

    the rev wrote:
    yeah i got chucked out of a couple for selling. i know they dont like the mess the cream thingys make but mines medical grade in a big bottle

    Sweet, does that mean its stronger??? Think the law are clocking on to the noz, probably because they cant tax it 20 times! Dont think the long term damage is good though!

    same old story en it……….. soon as the use of sumthing becomes wide spread they immediately wanna stop peps doin it!

    spoil sports!

    miss bassets wrote:
    same old story en it……….. soon as the use of sumthing becomes wide spread they immediately wanna stop peps doin it!

    spoil sports!


    The dilemma though is now people are increasingly finding their voice via the Internet and shouting louder about their drug use; others hear them, they don’t like it and take action… this will continue for as long as prohibition exists…

    the rev wrote:
    yeah i got chucked out of a couple for selling. i know they dont like the mess the cream thingys make but mines medical grade in a big bottle

    We have a big bottle, do we need a regulator to get the gas out without wasting it?.I figured if we just put a ballon over the top with no regulator it will probably burst the balloon wasting the gas

    still not sure bout the law ………….?

    miss bassets wrote:
    still not sure bout the law ………….?

    put it this way, they happily sold me a few hundred the other nite, and as theyre from uk there’s no chance of them bein siezed by customs ( i think neway!) for the time being….. theyre legal

    unlike BZP or similar substance N20 also has uses in the food preparation industry; making it difficult to prove intent to use it as a drug rather than a propellant; but it is also listed under the Medicines Act.

    Squat monkey could just as easily be setting up a bakery…..

    OTOH if sold blatantly at stalls at festivals its more obvious what its being used for. There is at present little demand for whipped cream at rave festivals.. (cue various lewd comments)

    i had a mate who ordered one and had it sent to anothers house – it arrived when yet another friend was round and indeed was explained away as a sex toy [on the basis he didnt want his parents to find out :groucho:]


    whipped cream sex anyone? with strawberries of course

    GoodDoG wrote:
    We have a big bottle, do we need a regulator to get the gas out without wasting it?.I figured if we just put a ballon over the top with no regulator it will probably burst the balloon wasting the gas

    I don’t use a regulator, they’re pretty expensive and i refuse to pinch one from a hospital. All i do is, as you say, stick a balloon over the end and gently twist the valve. With a bit of practice you can regulate the gas flow easy and not waste any.

    Where did you get your bottle may i ask. Pm me i may be able to do it cheaper.






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Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs Nitrous Oxide