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NL : Grote controle tegen etherpiraten / Stronger action against FM radio pirates

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology NL : Grote controle tegen etherpiraten / Stronger action against FM radio pirates

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  • Agentschap Telecom (equivalent to Ofcom here) has increased fines against radio pirates to €45 000 and is putting on more inspectors. They claim that that these stations are becoming numerous in the more rural areas near DE and are using very strong transmitters, causing risks to aviation comms (as it is just above Band II where FM radio is broadcast). I wonder what music they broadcast? The Dutch text mentions “party pirates” so it sounds like it is linked to the dance music scene?

    jammer, het is te ver weg deze piraten te horen van Engeland (en ook geen sporadische E in wintermaanden) hebben ze toch websites?

    Agentschap Telecom verhoogt boete etherpiraten tot 45.000 euro ::

    This is the communications ministry website, but they do not have this translated into English. its pretty much the same stuff ofcom say this side of the North Sea though..

    Agentschap Telecom – Veelgestelde vragen aanpak etherpiraten

    this is actually what they play on these stations and they are run by people our parents age!


    I worked out the first bit as

    Magdalena, je weg is nummer een
    Magdalena, doe laat me niet alleen
    Magdalena, ik houden zo van jou
    Magdalena, ik ? je ? mijn trouw

    but am unsure if the chap is already married to Magdalena (just like the mouse in Amsterdam), or she is een meisje “on the side”. Other songs contain high speed yodelling, and even one about preferring the old style outside WC (the loo) which even in a maritime nation is verging on masochism. Now you will understand why younger folk prefer trance which is curiously always sung in English (though often with a Dutch accent)






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology NL : Grote controle tegen etherpiraten / Stronger action against FM radio pirates