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NL : Laat Groningen niet zakken / Don't let Groningen down!

Forums Life Environment NL : Laat Groningen niet zakken / Don't let Groningen down!

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  • There is a big problem in Groningen (the Northern most province of the Netherlands) at the moment due to excessive extraction of natural gas (including fracking), to the point it is causing serious environment damage including earthquakes in the region.

    Many people have had to leave their homes and land before their buildings collapse and others have had to put great big ugly metal pillars in their houses to keep the walls and roof from falling down!

    I have seen pictures of the damage (I even mistook one of them for a retweet news from of some warzone from the Middle East rather than somewhere just across the North Sea from where I live!)

    The company NAM which runs the gas extraction has told many lies to the locals and even the Government [which also has a stake in NAM] and has stalled on paying compensation.

    There have been several protests in the city (as well as practical solutions to move towards more sustainable forms of energy and a petition that everyone in the EU can sign – as this could easily happen anywhere near the coast where gas is extracted.

    If you cannot read Dutch the petition is also published in English, link is below…

    There is an animated map of all the earthquakes since the 1980s [second link goes directly to the animation with sound effects and info about how this all happened], you can see for yourself why this is becoming such a problem in the region..

    over 104 000 signatures on the petition and numbers are rising!

    now over 160 000 signatures (remember you can sign this anywhere in Europe; there is also now a German translation of the campaign).

    Special edition of kids TV cartoon (the chap who writes it lives in Groningen)





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Forums Life Environment NL : Laat Groningen niet zakken / Don't let Groningen down!