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NL : Translation of official government advice on Ecstasy (XTC)

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA NL : Translation of official government advice on Ecstasy (XTC)

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  • This is taken from the Government site of the Netherlands (equivalent to site). Since 2010 not everything is translated into English as it used to be (probably budget cuts and trying to encourage people to learn Dutch). The advice seems straightforward and down to earth – I managed to translate the bulk of it without “cheating”, only going to Google Translate for the more difficult words raaa (if I have made some big mistakes, any native speakers are welcome to suggest corrections).


    XTC-pillen en capsules zijn populair in Nederland, vooral in het uitgaansleven. XTC is een synthetische drug die de gebruiker vaak een energiek en blij gevoel geeft.
    Sommige mensen denken onterecht dat XTC een onschuldig middel is. Ieder jaar overlijden er mensen na het gebruik van XTC. Meestal zijn dat jongeren.
    Vooral mensen die een hart- of vaatziekte, suikerziekte of epilepsie hebben, lopen extra gevaar bij XTC-gebruik. Ook voor gezonde gebruikers zijn er risico’s. Zij kunnen hersenbeschadigingen oplopen met als gevolg geheugenverlies, depressies en andere psychische problemen.
    Strafbaarheid XTC

    XTC valt in Nederland onder de icon-external.pngOpiumwet in de categorie harddrugs. Het produceren, verhandelen en bezit van XTC is verboden en wordt streng bestraft. De productie van en handel in XTC zijn zeer aantrekkelijk voor criminelen in Nederland, omdat de productiekosten laag zijn. In kleine laboratoria kunnen in korte tijd grote aantallen XTC-tabletten worden gemaakt. Naast kleine laboratoria worden overigens ook steeds meer grote professionele labs ontdekt.
    Aanpak synthetische drugs

    Nederland wordt in het buitenland vaak genoemd als XTC-producerend land en doorvoerland. De Nederlandse overheid erkent het XTC-probleem en treft maatregelen om de XTC-productie en -handel terug te dringen.
    De nota Samenspannen tegen XTC omvat een vijfjarenplan waarin een forse intensivering van de aanpak van synthetische drugs werd aangekondigd. Uit de evaluatie bleek dat de aanpak goede resultaten heeft opgeleverd. Zo werden er in 4 jaar tijd honderden verdachten aangehouden, meer dan 20 miljoen XTC-tabletten onderschept en rond de 130 productielaboratoria opgerold. Omdat er nog steeds op grote schaal productie van XTC in Nederland plaatsvindt en XTC ook ruim voorhanden is op de gebruikersmarkt, is in 2007 besloten de intensieve aanpak voort te zetten. Er zijn inmiddels tekenen dat een deel van de productie naar het buitenland verplaatst is.

    In Nederland krijg je voor XTC-smokkel maximaal 12 jaar gevangenisstraf en/of een boete van maximaal € 45.000. Ook in veel andere (Europese) landen krijg je een flinke boete. In sommige landen kan je zelfs veroordeeld worden tot de doodstraf.
    Hoe hoog straffen in het buitenland zijn voor drugssmokkel is moeilijk aan te geven.

    XTC pills and capsules are popular in the Netherlands, especially in the nightlife. XTC is a synthetic drug that gives the user and energetic and happy feeling.

    some people think that XTC is harmless. each year people die from the use of XTC. Most of them are youths.

    Especially for people with heart or vascular (circulation) diseases, diabetes or epilepsy, there is a greater risk from XTC-use. There are also risks to healthy users. They can also incur brain damage resulting in memory loss, depression and other psychiatric problems.

    Legal penalties for XTC

    XTC comes under the Opium law in the Netherlands (this is like our Misuse of Drugs Act in UK) and is classed in hard drugs category. The production, trade and posession of XTC is forbidden and will be strongly punished. The production and dealling in XTC is very attractive for criminals in the Netherlands, because the production costs are low. Large numbers of XTC-tablets can be made in a short time in small laboratories. As well as small labs, increasngly large professional laboratories are discovered.

    Approach to synthetic drugs

    The Netherlands is often known overseas as an XTC-producing and trafficking nation.

    The Dutch Government recognises the XTC-problem and takes action to reduce XTC-production and dealing.

    The Samenspannen paper (this is a 148 page paper which is beyond me to translate!!) includes a 5 year plan wherein a strong intensification of the approach to (combating) synthetic drugs has been announced.

    in 4 years hundreds of suspects were arrested, more than 20 million XTC-tablets sezied and about 130 production labs shut down. Because there still is great production of XTC in the Ntherlands, and it remains readily available to users, in 2007 it was decided to continue the approach.

    There are now signs that part of the production (of XTC) has moved overseas.

    Drug Trafficking.

    In the Netherlands, you can get a penalty for XTC-trafficking are 12 years in prison and/or a maximum fine of €45 000. Also in many other European countries there is a heavy fine. In some countries you can receive the death penalty. It is diffcult to say (from the POV of the NL justice ministry!) how high penalties are in other nations for drugs trafficking.

    Do you know what I’ve noticed about the police. You know when they announce there is a dodgy batch of mdma going around. well it’s not dodgy, it’s shit hot. it’s the real mccoy, It’s so strong people do too much and fuck up on it. This is why the fuzz try and scare people away from it by issuing scare stories.

    Never believe the official story, 9 times out of 10 it’s total bollocks!! raaa

    @GiantMidget 418752 wrote:

    Do you know what I’ve noticed about the police. You know when they announce there is a dodgy batch of mdma going around. well it’s not dodgy, it’s shit hot. it’s the real mccoy, It’s so strong people do too much and fuck up on it. This is why the fuzz try and scare people away from it by issuing scare stories.

    Never believe the official story, 9 times out of 10 it’s total bollocks!! raaa

    Think you’ve gone a bit over the top here, stuff like PMA, BZP, MCCP is sold as MDMA and 250mg doses can be pretty fucking nasty compared to MDMA.

    @GiantMidget 418752 wrote:

    Do you know what I’ve noticed about the police. You know when they announce there is a dodgy batch of mdma going around. well it’s not dodgy, it’s shit hot. it’s the real mccoy, It’s so strong people do too much and fuck up on it. This is why the fuzz try and scare people away from it by issuing scare stories.

    Never believe the official story, 9 times out of 10 it’s total bollocks!! raaa

    Yes, the UK cops do that with other drugs as well (particularly heroin).

    In NL instead of doing this, they allow certain places to test drugs for actual quantity / quality so people know exactly how much they are getting and there seem to be less overdoses.

    they also encourage more education / advice (for instance found this on a random web marketing companies website, which is a guide to risks and effects of drugs). I haven’t got the time to translate all of it (it took me a half hour to do the above post) but its relatively accurate..


    @p0ly 418754 wrote:

    Think you’ve gone a bit over the top here, stuff like PMA, BZP, MCCP is sold as MDMA and 250mg doses can be pretty fucking nasty compared to MDMA.

    I dunno man. last year they put warnings out about 5 different pills and all of them were tried and tested on Pillreports and all 5 were normal pills albeit really strong.

    Haven’t seen a warning about the drugs you’ve put there, That’s not to say they don’t exist though. I just haven’t seen them. 😉

    @p0ly 418754 wrote:

    Think you’ve gone a bit over the top here, stuff like PMA, BZP, MCCP is sold as MDMA and 250mg doses can be pretty fucking nasty compared to MDMA.

    even a high dose of MDMA if someone is not expecting it is quite nasty. Consider the warnings the Dutch health ministry and justice minstry gave in a country where due to testing there are actually less bad pills doing the rounds..

    @GiantMidget 418757 wrote:

    I dunno man. last year they put warnings out about 5 different pills and all of them were tried and tested on Pillreports and all 5 were normal pills albeit really strong.

    Haven’t seen a warning about the drugs you’ve put there, That’s not to say they don’t exist though. I just haven’t seen them. 😉

    I’m not saying your post was incorrect i just meant to say you shouldn’t have said that every police report is about a strong batch if you get me.

    There has been quite a few police reports about dodgy PMA pills/deaths.

    @p0ly 418763 wrote:

    I’m not saying your post was incorrect i just meant to say you shouldn’t have said that every police report is about a strong batch if you get me.

    There has been quite a few police reports about dodgy PMA pills/deaths.

    Maybe I should of put when the police actually target specific pills. That’s what they did with those 5 pills, They named them and there was a big thing on pilllreports about em and they came out clean. Which is lucky cos I found two of em the other week. 😉

    Yeah not all police reports are bogus, I got a bit carried away. I blame this wine. 😉

    A recent article warning about strong pills in Netherlands, I don’t have time to translate the whole thing yet, but it mentions 140+ mg pills in many and also claims that the nasty piperazines are now gone away (at least from NL) because precursor chemicals are once again easy to find.

    this quote is important:

    Toch zijn er nog geen berichten geweest dat mensen op de eerste hulp belandden door te sterke xtc.

    but there are no reports that people ended up in Emergency Department from the strong XTC. The rest of the article points out that users are well informed about how they can safely use the substance.

    Xtc-pillen zijn momenteel sterk | | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA NL : Translation of official government advice on Ecstasy (XTC)