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NL : Zuid-Limburg : PAS OP! Gervaarlijke pillen! / Beware! Dangerous Pills!

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA NL : Zuid-Limburg : PAS OP! Gervaarlijke pillen! / Beware! Dangerous Pills!

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  • (dit bericht was hele kapot, ik heb een juiste bericht nu gemaakt)
    (this message was broken (bad formatting), I made a correct one)

    that PMMA shite has killed yet another two in norway

    That last messge got totally mangled for some reason – this should be more readable. If any native Dutch speakers find big errors in the translation please correct and let me know as I did this straight off with only one dictionary and not Google Translate..

    Mijn Nederlands is toch een beetje nu verbeterd, als ik sinds drie jaren probeer Nederlands te leren 🙂 raaa


    De afgelopen negen maanden zijn Zuid-Limburg vier jonge mensen overleden na het gebruik van XTC. Toxicologisch onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat er sprake is van XTC-tabletten met een hoge dosering MDMA (het actieve bestanddeel van XTC) en/of PMMA (een vervuiling in XTC). De werking van deze tabletten ligt een stuk hoger dan bij de tabletten die doorgaans op de markt verkrijgbaar zijn. Bij verkeerd gebruik kunnen deze tabletten dodelijk zijn.

    De XTC-pillen met PMMA worden vooral aangetroffen in Zuid-Limburg. Deze stof lijkt qua werking op MDMA, de stof die normaal gesproken in XTC-pillen zit. Door de vertraagde werking, neemt de kans op overdosering toe en daarmee die op levensbedreigende situaties. Pillen met hoge doseringen MDMA komen overigens in het hele land voor.

    Waarschuwing van Trimbos en Mondriaan Eerder waarschuwde de instelling voor preventie- en zorgverslaving in Limburg, Mondriaan en het Trimbos instituut ook al voor de aanwezigheid XTC-pillen met hoge doseringen MDMA en PMMA. De politie sluit zich bij deze waarschuwing aan en roept XTC-gebruikers op om zeer terughoudend te zijn met het gebruik van deze harddrug.

    Drugs nooit zonder risico Het gebruik van XTC – en andere illegale drugs – is sowieso nooit zonder risico, je weet namelijk nooit precies welke stof(fen) er in zitten en hoeveel. Om de risico’s van drugsgebruik zoveel mogelijk te beperken, kun je je drugs laten testen.


    In the past nine months in Zuid-Limburg (South Limburg) four young people have died from the use of XTC. Toxicological analysis has found the active ingredient of the XTC-tablets is a high dose of MDMA (the active ingredient of XTC) and/or PMMA (a contaminant of XTC). The power of these tablets is much higher than that of the tablets that were previously available on the market. By incorrect use of these tablets (taking too many) they can be fatal.

    The XTC pills with PMMA were epecially found in South-Limburg. This substance resembles the effects of MDMA, the substance that is normally found in XTC-pills. through its delayed action, there is a risk of overdosing to a life-threatening sitiation. Moreover, pills with high dosage of MDMA can still be found in the whole country.

    A warning has been sent out fropm Trimbos and Mondrian Eerder (harm reduction institutions) to the local rehab institutions to be aware of the presence of the pills with high dose MDMA and PMMA. The Police also joined in issuing this warning and told XTC-users to abstain from using this hard drug.

    The use of XTC and other ilegal drugs, is in every case not without risk, you do never know precisely what substance is there and how much. To reduce the risks of drugs by some amount, you can get your drugs tested (well at least you can in NL!!)

    Transport Online Algemeen Nieuws – Pinkpopgangers moeten oppassen voor gevaarlijke xtc-pillen

    [map]zuid limburg, nederland[/map]

    There’s pills going around various parts of the country, I’ve had a couple, that take one to properly do you for the whole night (coming from someone who will normally take 1-1.5g of mandy), could these have PMMA in do you think? some dodgy shit if so, people are looking for them all over.

    hard to check without testing as there are also high dose MDMA pills going around. So far there is 1 dead in IS, 12 in NO and 4 in NL so best to be careful..

    Time to bust out some testing kit.

    @General Lighting 439357 wrote:

    hard to check without testing as there are also high dose MDMA pills going around. So far there is 1 dead in IS, 12 in NO and 4 in NL so best to be careful..

    the total number of PMMa deaths in norway since last july(2010) is now up on 15 + 22 with lasting damage

    there was a beta-ketone of PMMA which was being sold on the RC market across the EU which may perhaps be what is turning up in these pills..

    Even in the 90s it was not uncommon to add things like this to MDMA to make the effect stronger although it was MDA and dexamfetamine. Those pills also had a strong overdose risk, but the high price per pill back then tended to stop folk doing this.

    this PMMA stuff sounds delightful


    Little late to be responding to this, but any further info regarding adulterated pills in the NL, Norway etc? Have hedonistic kin in the area, so always good to be aware.

    Appreciate the thread 🙂







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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA NL : Zuid-Limburg : PAS OP! Gervaarlijke pillen! / Beware! Dangerous Pills!