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  • I was wondering if anyone has been to India lately,
    what are the party like there, and wchich area is worth to visit,
    I will be gratefull for any advices or directions

    Ttrouble;238350 wrote:
    I was wondering if anyone has been to India lately,
    what are the party like there, and wchich area is worth to visit,
    I will be gratefull for any advices or directions

    parties in India have been busted heavily… they seem to be getting as bad as English police (there is a connection here, because the Indian youths are helping British ones get ketamine)

    in fact it is worse as Indian police have guns, they make everyone do drug tests and sometimes even put their names in the newspapers (which can be viewed on line)

    I saw one report about a rave in Pune and they had put 280 peopels names and ages in the newspaper (luckily it wasn’t in English) but I could work out some of the writing meant numbers… this was before they even had been charged, in the EU it against our human rights for the cops/media to do this..

    Zee News – rave party near Pushkar

    General Lighting;238353 wrote:
    parties in India have been busted heavily… they seem to be getting as bad as English police (there is a connection here, because the Indian youths are helping British ones get ketamine)

    What do you mean helping British youths get ketamine? When I was there It could be brought from the pharmacy, with only the assistance of the shopkeeper. :you_crazy

    The parties will be wherever the backpackers are, which depends on the season… As GL said though, watch out some of the parties are well bait.

    Greb;240235 wrote:
    What do you mean helping British youths get ketamine? When I was there It could be brought from the pharmacy, with only the assistance of the shopkeeper. :you_crazy

    not just buying it locally but assisting with it being smuggled back to UK

    so both the Indian feds and HM Revenue and Customs are starting to get involved at either end…

    loads more raves seem to be getting busted in India recently

    Some of the more liberal media are starting to ask if the practice of mass detention and/or forced blood/urine tests is acceptable in a “modernising” society, but conservative/highly religious communities still exist in India what support the clampdowns, as would business leaders (remember that a lot of call centre and IT work left the UK because Indian youths “concentrated more on work than play”)

    ye theres some pakis with lots of coke and lsd and ak47s up for some parties in the taj mahal hotel and other places

    Ttrouble;238350 wrote:
    I was wondering if anyone has been to India lately,
    what are the party like there, and wchich area is worth to visit,
    I will be gratefull for any advices or directions

    Anjuna beach in Goa always used to hear good things about psy parties and such. not so good n e more though. terrorist attacks & police patroling the beaches with ak47s kinda spoils the friendly vibes..

    Cosmic_Energy;249656 wrote:
    Anjuna beach in Goa always used to hear good things about psy parties and such. not so good n e more though. terrorist attacks & police patroling the beaches with ak47s kinda spoils the friendly vibes..


    p0lygon-Window;249644 wrote:
    ye theres some pakis with lots of coke and lsd and ak47s up for some parties in the taj mahal hotel and other places

    not sure i like that mate, have i missed something? :hopeless:

    i understood that bit mate. it was the word you used to describe the bombers that ive got a problem with.

    p0lygon-Window;249644 wrote:
    ye theres some pakis with lots of coke and lsd and ak47s up for some parties in the taj mahal hotel and other places

    easy on using that word mate, many includin me find it offensive and it certainly doesnt fit the partyvibe atmosphere!

    i didnt know shortening down pakistanis to pakis was offensive……….. i really dont understand, you can shorten any of my names down whenever you want

    british – brits…… whats the difference, plz enlighten me

    in polys defence i think it is considered politicaly correct to use that term when refering to people from pakistan .. but not to say indians .. as it’s then being used as a generlisation … personaly i stear clear of using that word at all as it is a bit grey .. but i am pretty sure the actual term for some one from pakistan is paki but more commonly understood is Pakistani or in plural Pakistanis.

    p0lygon-Window;250022 wrote:
    i didnt know shortening down pakistanis to pakis was offensive……….. i really dont understand, you can shorten any of my names down whenever you want

    british – brits…… whats the difference, plz enlighten me

    My view on this is that the word “Paki” has been used by groups like the BNP NF etc to negatively describe a race of people thus making it a racist phrase. Brits hasn’t been used like this so therefore isn’t offensive imo. Also using the aforementioned word will get you arrested if you use it out on the street. Words can be extremely hurtful but we sometimes use em without realising, we’re only human innit.

    Easy mistake to make but i wouldn’t use it again cos it ain’t a nice word. :love:

    DJCliffy;250035 wrote:
    My view on this is that the word “Paki” has been used by groups like the BNP NF etc to negatively describe a race of people thus making it a racist phrase. Brits hasn’t been used like this so therefore isn’t offensive. Using the aforementioned word will get you arrested if you used it out on the street.

    Easy mistake to make but i wouldn’t use it again cos it ain’t a nice word. :love:

    yeah thats why i don’t use it as it used to be the correct termanology .. but now days it’s kinda changed .. as it’s used as a general racist term against alot of asian people … i guess the meaning of the word has changed






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Forums Life Travel Party in India