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Party Vibe server upgrade

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  • If any of you noticed a brief outage over the last 12 hours we moved to new shinny hardware as I’ve already said elsewhere. However for any of you with an interest here’s how the old an new disks in our servers compare…

    Old: 536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 7.26823 s, 73.9 MB/s (with no load)
    New: 536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 2.80377 s, 191 MB/s (under load – when I ran the test with no load the result was 237 MB/s)

    TBH the downtime wasn’t that long and I had initially thought it was a local issue as a WLAN access point I am currently using sometimes randomly locks up, or British Telecom’s VDSL setup process (where the line can be randomly dropped at any point in the first few days after provision).

    I’ve noticed the site is way faster than before (even taking into account the traffic must cross the pond) raaa

    I’m pleased to hear it. I think I’d tuned the old one to death in order to eek out every last bit of performance all of which is carried over but we’ve got a lot more to work with here.

    As I said earlier I’ve been waiting for a similar offer of twice disks at the same price after narrowly missing the last one 6 months ago. But waiting has really paid off because here we have twice disks and RAM at the same price. Amazing!

    I was also on the verge of adding a very small SSD just to boost the performance of certain applications very recently but decided not to in the end because that kind of disk has a nasty habit of just dying stone dead without warning and it could have made problems for us. So all things considered until the days of affordable SSD RAID we’ll be sticking to the slow but predictable reliability of spinning rust.

    Also worth noting. Although we’ve had several servers with this provider now it wasn’t until very recently that I became aware that hot swappable disk drive bays were available on request and that in fact our last server had them. Needless to say that we have them here too now so replacing a failed disk no longer requires any downtime.

    Another option I considered is leasing a second server. Our hosts has lots of old boxes available cheap with no bandwidth allowance to speak although unlimited internal network bandwidth which we could have used for a backup server or even to offload mysql.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Party Vibe server upgrade