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PC dead

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  • I moved me pc and now it overheats and won’t even fully boot Windows before it just shuts down. sometimes it won’t even get to the loading Windows screen and a temperature error comes up. have cleaned out heat sink and all fans and made sure there all working. if anyone has any advice I would be so so grateful. can’t reply easily as in phone but can read easily.

    really can’t afford a new pc but it is 4 years old now so might have to just go for it.

    thanks everyone

    Hi 1984 ,
    Shit mate last time my old pc did that the hard drive had got over heated as my fan was broke !!! . im not sure thats whats happened to yours but hope it works after a while .


    Hi 1984 ,
    Just looked on line a bit and all the advice says pretty much what you’ve done already , it did say check the motherboard as well as it may have been damaged from over heating and some other stuff i dont know about so ill paste it below:

    Well i don’t know if you got it figured it out by now, if you did good , if not then there are few reasons and solutions for over heating CPU and automatically shutting down.

    – when you play games continuously or do some kind of encoding stuff, the processor is engaged, normally processor uses only 50% of its capacity, but if you do high end stuff or play high graphics games, a lot of processor power is used and heat builds up in the processor and near by motherboard. But to counter this processors come with fan mounted on heat conducting metal object to dissipate the heat.

    Likely causes are since it is a new computer :

    1. The CPU fan is not working efficiently, usually it should spin at 3000 rpm at full loads, but in your case it might have been spinning not more than 1200 rpm.

    2. The heat sink material was not properly installed during the processor installation.

    3. BIOS settings might be limiting the CPU fan to work at full potential due to acoustic settings.

    As a result of which the CPU overheats and temperatures goes up to 85 to 90 degrees Celsius. So as a safety precaution the motherboard is programmed to shutdown the power after the temperature crosses the safety limit of working environment because that much heat can damage parts of motherboard.


    1. 70 % of the cases in which motherboard automatically shuts down the power, there will be probably some damaged caused to the motherboard. So check first if your motherboard is fine and doing good.
    2. Upgrade your CPU fan with now a days available highly efficient liquid cooling of air cooling solutions for the CPU. In which case your CPU temperature wont rise above 60 – 65 degrees Celsius at full load for even 24 hours and the idle temperature would be around 38 – 45 degrees.

    im not sure if that a help but hope it is ?


    @1984 413531 wrote:

    I moved me pc and now it overheats and won’t even fully boot Windows before it just shuts down. sometimes it won’t even get to the loading Windows screen and a temperature error comes up. have cleaned out heat sink and all fans and made sure there all working. if anyone has any advice I would be so so grateful. can’t reply easily as in phone but can read easily.

    really can’t afford a new pc but it is 4 years old now so might have to just go for it.

    thanks everyone

    check that all the plugs to the motherboard have not got dislodged, and also re-seat the memory modules. If any of these are not 100% connected properly they can cause the PSU to draw more current and the machine to then overheat.

    @General Lighting 413543 wrote:

    check that all the plugs to the motherboard have not got dislodged, and also re-seat the memory modules. If any of these are not 100% connected properly they can cause the PSU to draw more current and the machine to then overheat.

    sadly no joy. I fear its dead. I will have to buy a basic one and splice the two machines together. the case is crap anyway.

    If it’s not dust build up or loose connection’s (allso check your processer is plugged in properly and has fresh heat transpher paste inbetween it and the heatsynk – I can link to a vid of exactly how to apply this properly with out getting air bubbles inside)

    Then I would guess it’s a problem with the processer it’s self or the cooling or the processer … alltho it could also be several other things. also check all fans are working encluding the GFX card fan.

    this is nothing to do with your pc however you’re all being so helpful you might be able to help me!

    Ever since my friend put my LG in freeze mode(i still dont know if you can actually do this or if he was taking the piss) anyway since this happened my phone doesnt work properly AND i cant top up. Some times i try and get into an app and ive literally opened no other apps and it says maximun limit of apps open and wont let me do anything!

    Do i need to reset the phone?

    you need to get to the setting showing you how many apps are already open – and then close the ones that shouldn’t be open. I assume you’ve got an Android based phone and its in somewhere like “settings/applications” but it might vary across phones.

    Probably one has crashed, and is taking up memory it shouldn’t be. All these smartphones are prone to this happening. BTW what network are you on? if the 3G and 2G networks abruptly go down this can cause the phone to crash / lock up as well..

    It’s an LG viewty it’s nothing amazing.. but it was fine until they made it freeze!
    Im on o2 oooh ok i’ll try and do that…

    @DaftFader 413572 wrote:

    If it’s not dust build up or loose connection’s (allso check your processer is plugged in properly and has fresh heat transpher paste inbetween it and the heatsynk – I can link to a vid of exactly how to apply this properly with out getting air bubbles inside)

    Then I would guess it’s a problem with the processer it’s self or the cooling or the processer … alltho it could also be several other things. also check all fans are working encluding the GFX card fan.

    yeah that heat paste stuff is the only thing I can think of I havnt tried but dont have any knocking around (although a whole box full of out of date computing “equipment”).

    Removed all the dust (which was bad so it should be a lot more efficient but it made no difference), fans seem to all be running at the correct speed etc cant find any connectors that have slipped out or anything like that.

    2bh I think the HDD is fucked now anyway due to all the emergency shutdowns and I always hated that case, perhaps its time to spend my GFs savings :crazy_dru:devil_wag

    Thanks mate will mull it over. Nabed my mums old one luckily so its not to much of a problem now. Just half the speed 🙁 and a tiny case with no room for all my old HDDs grrrrr

    ps Think the only thing that isnt backed up was all the seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer lol nooooooooooo

    @Honeybear 413575 wrote:

    this is nothing to do with your pc however you’re all being so helpful you might be able to help me!

    Ever since my friend put my LG in freeze mode(i still dont know if you can actually do this or if he was taking the piss) anyway since this happened my phone doesnt work properly AND i cant top up. Some times i try and get into an app and ive literally opened no other apps and it says maximun limit of apps open and wont let me do anything!

    Do i need to reset the phone?

    LOL, i completely bullshit you:laugh_at:

    Freeze mode:laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    so it just froze!? i did suspect you were bullshitting. but i always trust you for some INSANE reason

    now it’s royally fucked and i need a new phone swapsies!?:D

    Touch screen is shit

    Hi Honey Bear ,
    You tried turning it on and off again miss ? , no idea just that every tech phone line i ever asked …asked this …and some times it works lol ……hope it gets sorted 🙂







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