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PC dead

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  • Hi General Lighting ,
    Im not surprised i work in a fire station that was buildt in the 50’s , i think the phone system is still the oringinal one !!!!!

    ps General Lighting you wanna refit the phone system for us 🙂

    General Lighting……i mean Batman…..shit our secret is out !!!! Daftfaders sussed us out lol

    Robin ….mungo

    You on the booze sir?

    who me …….might be !!!!

    @p0ly 413730 wrote:

    You on the booze sir?

    It’s NYE … ofc he is 😉 :laugh_at:


    I might have had hic hic a drink or two hic hic

    oh okay ill be honnest ive had a shed load 🙂

    @DaftFader 413721 wrote:

    Are you secritly batman GL? :laugh_at:

    maybe (and I would get those sales calls too, if I didn’t refuse to answer anything with valid caller ID). At any time I may have 3 or more inbound numbers going to my house, + various mobiles :laugh_at:

    I must get round to adding the custom code to the phone system to send disconected messages from foreign countries (in a variety of languages) to unwantd callers 😉

    @General Lighting 413738 wrote:

    I must get round to adding the custom code to the phone system to send disconected messages from foreign countries (in a variety of languages) to unwantd callers 😉

    Haha. At work I just patch cold callers through to one of my mates there. :laugh_at:

    if your pc was running fine, and then you moved it, and then started overheating and giving temperatur errors. Check that the Cpu heatsink is propperly clipped or Scerwed on. Perhaps a clip popped out or broke.

    @p0ly 413594 wrote:

    Touch screen is shit

    agreed because even dust or a fly going onto the screen will trigger the touch screen lol, can be annoying






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