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Photoshop for newbies?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Photoshop for newbies?

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  • I’v always been a dab hand at drawing and painting but I think I’d like to give photoshop a go.
    Seeing as of recently I spend most of my evening on the PC anyway (being a mother of a young child who go’s to bed at seven)
    Also I am completely fascinated by graphic design and have always admired EDM fliers, album covers and posters.

    So I’d like to know where is the best place to start to learn the basics like photo manipulation, cutting, pasting and flipping objects and generally just mucking about to create images.

    I’v heard I can download photoshop..although I don’t mind buying.
    Do they come with tutorials, can I download them ?

    If you don’t want to buy Photoshop, download GIMP (it’s completely freeware). I have lots of PS experience and I find GIMP to be just as good. There are loads of GIMP tutorials for beginners on Youtube.

    If you like to draw and don’t have a huge amount of experience sketching with a mouse I recommend getting a graphics tablet as well.

    @Chrispydelic 497625 wrote:

    If you don’t want to buy Photoshop, download GIMP (it’s completely freeware). I have lots of PS experience and I find GIMP to be just as good. There are loads of GIMP tutorials for beginners on Youtube.

    If you like to draw and don’t have a huge amount of experience sketching with a mouse I recommend getting a graphics tablet as well.

    Thanks, I’l download that…will keep you updated 🙂

    Have you ever used this kind of software before? If not, the first thing that you should learn about is working in layers.

    @Chrispydelic 497632 wrote:

    Have you ever used this kind of software before? If not, the first thing that you should learn about is working in layers.

    Onions have layers ?

    They do indeed and so do PS and GIMP images when you are working on them. Think of layers as different pieces of tracing paper all stacked on top of each other. You can draw an image (say a simple snowman shape) on the first layer, then create a new layer where you may draw the snowman’s face. Because the layers are both separate from each other, you can manipulate them both separately (say resizing or moving them around until they are the way that you like) and because they are on separate layers you can do this without the changes on one layer affecting the image on the other layer.

    This is the fundamental principle of PS and GIMP. Once you are happy with a sequence of layers, you can “flatten” them into a single layer (now all the elements can no longer be edited separately) and then start new layers on top of those.

    I’m sure once you try some basic tutorials, you will get the hang of it really quickly.

    Ooooh, I forgot about the basic tools. Probably worth doing the tools tutorial first.

    Surely im not the only one immature enough to laugh at GIMP images

    @Elektrik Muffin 497762 wrote:

    Surely im not the only one immature enough to laugh at GIMP images

    I have quite a collection of GIMP images!

    The way I learnt to use Photoshop was I used to follow lots of tutorials I found searching google, don’t be afraid to start off doing a hard tutorial as it talks you through each step. By jumping in at the deep end I’d say it helped me a lot more and don’t think i’m too bad at Photoshop.

    You could also try Fireworks to start off learning, its like a basic version of photoshop and you work worth layers and get to know what different things do.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Photoshop for newbies?