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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Pills Advise Wanted

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      Shaikar where are you 😥

      i miss shaikar…

      Ello im back sorry :). I just relaxed for ages in the end and ate my way though a liter tub of ice cream which im impressed about then i fell asleep. took 28 hours for my heart to go back to normal but im havin halucinations atm, which is all good 🙂 though there slowly wearing off. But i wont be doing crossheads again, im on to dolphin’s this friday s hopefully there better. Though i heard about these armarni pills? aparently my friends have said they give you no come down?

      Hey good to see your on the mend man.:wink:
      Please learn from these mistakes.:love: :love: :love:

      oh i have! none of thoses pills again.. when im on pills i cant smoke.. i just hate smoking on them, plus if i get given a fag i throw it away instantly coz i get the craving to dance. so it a bit pointless me smokin on pill, but the next day im like a chimey but thats normally fine.. and i have 1 or 2 cups of coffee when i get in which is norally fine. its just the pills what were diffrent which gave me the heart problems, as for me using pain killers was because i was doing poppers constantly on pill i got a bangin head ache the next day. But all is good now except the hallucinations can be a bit annoying… but ive learnt to do my homework now. When i know my dealers changing pill ill do my homework and find out whats in them and previous effects on people before i take them

      poppers on pills = big headache AFAIK and causes vasodilation which gives your heart lots of extra work

      next time avoid all that coffee too- that much coffee alone could give you palpitations m8

      and when you have palpitations try to smoke less as nicotine is a very toxic poison and also increases your heartrate:hopeless:

      glad you are ok

      take care:love:

      Hi Shaikar. I don’t know u or anything, but was keeping an eye on this thread since yesterday, as you were so ill. Didn’t post before, couldn’t have added anything that hadn’t already been said anyway. But i was quite worried! Sounds like you been through it abit. Had a one or two bad experiences myself over the years, and i will never forget how scary it was at the time 👿 :scared: :sick: 😥
      Just wanted to say I’m really glad you are back with the land of the living. Take it easy, and don’t forget what happened. You need to remember for next time innit! :group_hug :horay: :flowers: 😉

      raj, that explains everything in a nut shell. If only id heard that earlier it totally makes sence. Yeah, you’ve just gotta learn from your mistakes. Once was taking unmarked pills out of desberation as my dealer wasnt there, and recently the mixing of too many substances. Can only get wiser me thinks. Thanks again to everyone whos posted in here ive learnt a bloody lot all in one thread 😉

      i am glad you are ok and just be a little more cautious next time:wink:

      remember some pills can take over an hour to show their full effects especially if you ate recently before you took them


      be wary of the dolphins, i mean not all blue dolphins are bad (if they are blue) but the last ones i got had more meth in them thaan mdma. glad ur back tho!

      ..rather than vegetating inside/watching tv etc…then you’d probably forget all about being overdosed or whatever and get into a good one. Drink lots of water to flush out you’re system. Really people need a safe source of pure MDMA…this sort of thing should not be happening in this day and age. People here, by the way don’t appear really to understand in practice how the mainstream medical systems views drug takers/overdoeses/bad trips…they really would actually be quite likely to take a view that your ailment or whatever was pyscological..or you drug usage causing pyscological problems, at least in part, regarding this ‘acute’ situation and require a stay in the pyscriatric ward. Bang! before your know it you’re trapped! I’m not scaremongering. And once you’re there its bcomes a real time reality trap that is very difficult to get out of…they just destroy people/freedom…its totally abusive and thus the ‘pyscriatric survivor’ movement. Generally you can’t just ‘walk out’ when you want to or if you feel ok. Thats not the way the system works. They’ll put some horrendus ‘child aware’ label on you that will scare the fuck out of you, and all because of a bad trip! They’ll destroy and or contain any non conventional way of thinking…their ‘game’ going so deep into your pyskie that it become very difficult to break free again. You see what I’m getting at…and once /if all this gets put on linked national computor systems ‘you’ will become permanently this non existant disease.

      Stay away from the fuking hospital people unless your having some sort total near death physical reaction…breathing/heart actually stopping rather than a freek out out or just a bit racing..and then someone will probably call the ambulance fior the casuality.

      You might wanna take this oppourtunity M8 to knock cigeratees and even coffee on the head…they are both totally abused in a completly causal way in this society. See it as an opportunity to get into a holistic and pure lifestyle!

      Akll this is kinda a problem with the rave scene…weekend hedonism followed by a return to ‘babylon’ non culture – rather than a permanent auspicious consciousness shift and resultant change in lifestyle and direction….and thus perhaps no longer the need to pop pills all the time or whatever. Perhaps thats the ‘magic of the market’ factor again…the sensario makes a reality there wherby the dancegoer has to keep taking the product…rather than a permanent consciousness shift. If its speed anyway…forget it, tottally shit drug really…but then where does one get pure MDMA from, unless one is prepared to masturbate towards some very immature egosing little fuck heads? It needs to be legal.


      King Amdo wrote:
      People here, by the way don’t appear really to understand in practice how the mainstream medical systems views drug takers/overdoeses/bad trips…they really would actually be quite likely to take a view that your ailment or whatever was pyscological..or you drug usage causing pyscological problems,

      a lot of people here are actually aware of this risk because they have had to deal with this situation before (nearly got sectioned at age 15 and that was more due to teenage rebellion; I wasn’t even doing that much drugs back then!) I do understand what you are getting at to an extent as there are judgemental/controlling people in the NHS who want to mould people into their idea of acceptable mental health.

      OTOH todays NHS facilities simply don’t have the resources to section every teenager who has one bad trip as they are already full to the brim…

      the conspiracy theories of hippies being sectioned because they are “too rebellious”, although they do have grounding in truth from the 1970s when a few festival organisers went down that road are way less common nowadays.

      Today, people are normally only sectioned because they are going to either harm themselves, or harm others… and in the case of drugs have repeatedly refused to stop using drugs even when they are suffering negative reactions from taking them. Some people (mostly young men who are going through turbulent stages in their life) do have bad reactions to psychedelic drugs because they cannot handle the freedom of mind these substances give them or the effects on their emotions and they need some sort of treatment for the good of society.

      Everyone else was only suggesting attending hospital in the event of a serious medical emergency such as heart/breathing problems.

      We are dealing with a young lady in her teenage years stuck on her own with no friends to look after her at the time this happened… in these sort of cases people understandably tend to err on the side of caution.

      She also lives in an area of London where it isn’t always safe for someone to be out on their own in secluded areas when they are in an “altered” state of mind (if I was still living in SE London I would feel more paranoid walking about on the streets than I would be at home!)

      Some of the people here have daughters of this age so I can wholly understand their reactions.

      I am glad to hear though that everything has turned out well…

      What happened a few days ago really werent that serious. Well i mean i wasnt rolling around on the floor in a fit, so pyscriatric wards really wouldnt come into the picture. Id only go to hospital if i could tell something was seriousky seriously wrong and if i thought i was guna use conseiousness. I just started panicing because i obveiously didnt know what was in these pills, i thought they’d be the same as the previous ones id taken but these ones were obveiously amfetamines based pills. I know now to check more interigativly on what im puting inside me. As for MDMA, i suppose the only was you can get hold of it is by knowing or finding someone who makes these pills and asking if you can buy some form of the MDMA off them instead

      shaikar wrote:
      As for MDMA, i suppose the only was you can get hold of it is by knowing or finding someone who makes these pills and asking if you can buy some form of the MDMA off them instead

      pure is actually pretty common and readily available

      i haven’t taken a pill in years and don’t know many people who would. few contain any mdma at all and some contain substances that would be lethal in the quantities you took






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    Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Pills Advise Wanted