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Forums Drugs Sniffer Dogs POLICE

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  • @p0ly 417688 wrote:

    Never licked coke out someones ass before?

    would you reccomend?

    Hi Tank Girl ,
    Makes your tongue tingle then go num lol ….but all in all yes lol

    ps of course if i had just done said act ……what i said above would sound more like blah blah blah blah blah…….beeerrr lol

    mmm,, cant I just snort it and dab it and get the same effect?

    …….think it might be worth a laugh to suggest it to Marcus though!! :laugh_at::laugh_at:

    Nah i’ve never tried it i just thought i was the odd one out weirdo.

    Hi Pretty Poly ,
    Sure some guy out there in the PV world would love to eat coke out of your sweet cheeks lol ……you naughty kinky girl you lol

    ps that wasnt me offering by the way lol

    Hi Tank Girl ,
    You think Mark would be up for that !!!!! poor Mark dont come home i know what Tanks got planned for you !!!! run …save yourself lol



    @mungo1972 417732 wrote:

    Hi Tank Girl ,
    You think Mark would be up for that !!!!! poor Mark dont come home i know what Tanks got planned for you !!!! run …save yourself lol


    ah, I’m sure I could do summat to convince him :you_smart


    he’d prob run a mile!!

    a mate of mine once got caught with some weed on him when he was boxed driving.
    they got sniffer dogs to search the car and they found nothing, well the dogs found it they were sniffing right in the right place.
    :laugh_at:stupid OB couldnt though, was in the gap between the sunroof cover and the glass of the sunroof.

    If I ever get a puppy I must train it as a sniffer dog! How brilliant would that be when you couldn’t find your stash!?

    Hi Zidewinder ,
    Or you could just dial 999 and ask the police with their dog already trained to come out and find it ……..DUH lol


    @zidewinder 417804 wrote:

    If I ever get a puppy I must train it as a sniffer dog! How brilliant would that be when you couldn’t find your stash!?

    Yeah the time and effort put into a drug dog is definitely worth the odd occasions when you lose your stash!

    then you realise you trained your dog to search for weed when you lost ket… doh

    @dequity93 417781 wrote:

    a mate of mine once got caught with some weed on him when he was boxed driving.
    they got sniffer dogs to search the car and they found nothing, well the dogs found it they were sniffing right in the right place.
    :laugh_at:stupid OB couldnt though, was in the gap between the sunroof cover and the glass of the sunroof.

    So he got caught with weed…. but the police couldn’t find it?

    from my experience you are in more danger at the local train station than the festival gate

    girls: moon cup 😀

    @mungo1972 417850 wrote:

    Or you could just dial 999 and ask the police with their dog already trained to come out and find it ……..DUH lol

    I think you’re on to something here… for a small fee they could offer stash recovery and help the entire nation clear its budget deficit raaa






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Forums Drugs Sniffer Dogs POLICE