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preservan some shrooms

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti preservan some shrooms

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  • I have an idea for a christmas present for a friend, for another year of course.
    I am hoping to buy a pack of shrooms for him when they’re in season, and preserve them to give him on christmas. Only thing is, how can I preserve them for half a year and not ruin the high?

    @JRGiger 407421 wrote:

    I have an idea for a christmas present for a friend, for another year of course.
    I am hoping to buy a pack of shrooms for him when they’re in season, and preserve them to give him on christmas. Only thing is, how can I preserve them for half a year and not ruin the high?

    put them in honey. or vodka. or boil em up and freeze the lot, then defrost and drink :yakk:

    dry them out if they are fresh (lay them out somewhere warm with good air circulation)

    Stick them in a container with some silica gell. This will make sure no moisture remains in the container. A Jar with a bung is ideal as they create a perfect seal.
    Silica gel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Then stick them in the fridge or freezer. If it’s cold and dark the psilocybin will last almost indefinitely

    dry them, powder them, mix them with honey in a jar. Keep out of light. Be poo bear.

    if you store them in vodka fresh you should be able to keep most of the pscilocin in them as well with out it degrading too much… when you dry them they lose most of this…

    What a brilliant gift to receive! People always say: “I never know what to get you!”; they’re just not trying hard enough, clearly.

    I have an edition of “Pyschedelic News’ or something that has a recipe for preserving psychedelics in honey. If you’re lucky, the contents hue to a promising shade of purple..

    And yes, any alcohol has got to be a winner. Like sloe gin or elderflower champagne: you get out what you put in.

    I’ve always wanted to do a proper Christmas banquet with ideas for cheese ‘shake’ straws, shroom quiche and helpful contributions of spacey bakes. I think I see a menu..






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti preservan some shrooms