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  • Some dudes in the pub (part of a local collective of artists) told me about this.
    Processing (programming language) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    also this to control embedded microcontrollers

    Processing (programming language) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    They had a Mac linked up to a camera and some control dial thing (just a USB device) making all sorts of graphics based on the input from the camera.

    according to them “its not difficult” and unlike other compilers you get pretty pictures straight away and its harder to crash the computer…

    might be of interest to some of you..

    It would draw a picture of what it’s seeing on the webcam? Er I’m a bit confused

    Yeah this is pretty interesting of my mates is gonna love it I’m sure!

    I might have a muck about with it as well .. see what it does.

    ta for that 🙂

    Hi Daftfader ,
    Might be good for you and your mates new venture , hows that going anyway ?


    not much done … i’ve been really ill in bed all week and was off work all last week as well so not had a chance to do anything constructive really.

    Think it’s gonna get put on hold untill after christmass anyway.

    but we’ve allready sent the main idea to my mate’s wrighter so hopefully we’ll have a full script to work from soon.

    Hi Daftfader ,
    Hope you get better mate , you been struck down with the flu or is it your back ? either way hope your back fighting fit soon . As for putting it on hold over christams probably not a bad idea , new start new year 🙂


    @mungo1972 410992 wrote:

    Hi Daftfader ,
    Hope you get better mate , you been struck down with the flu or is it your back ? either way hope your back fighting fit soon . As for putting it on hold over christams probably not a bad idea , new start new year 🙂


    Both lol :hopeless:

    Hi Daftfader ,
    Blimey mate double bubble or what ….when you go sick you dont do things by halfs . Ill send a big PV hug and a remedy that Gaz uses for colds ….sniff trannies lol ……bet that will get you out of bed lol

    take it easy Daftfader and get well


    lol nice 1 dude xxx

    Hi Daftfader ,
    No worries laughing is cure all……unless it hurts when you laugh …..does it ?


    @mungo1972 411021 wrote:

    Hi Daftfader ,
    No worries laughing is cure all……unless it hurts when you laugh …..does it ?


    hurts to talk mate. :laugh_at:

    Hi Daftfader ,
    Shit mate you is in the wars !!!!! , ill send you an 18 yr old medic i know lol she will make you forget all the pain 🙂 .


    plz do lol

    thats pretty cool. ive been looking into a lots of microprocessing stuff using AVR chips lately… need to get some kit. going to make some stuff for my car… ideal environment as theres lots of sensors etc

    there’s a place in needham market what sells all the 12V computer kit…






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