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Forums Life Bikes & Biking Push Bikes and BO

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  • e-bikes with newer batteries weigh about 25 kilos max… its a custom model that MBUK are reviewing so can’t be that bad..

    the manufacturers are doing this to show that e-bikes are not clunky old things for nan and grandad (which was the case a few years ago when they used lead acid batteries like in UPS or burglar alarm) but as fun as (if not more) than normal push bikes…

    @General Lighting 385828 wrote:

    e-bikes with newer batteries weigh about 25 kilos max… its a custom model that MBUK are reviewing so can’t be that bad..

    the manufacturers are doing this to show that e-bikes are not clunky old things for nan and grandad (which was the case a few years ago when they used lead acid batteries like in UPS or burglar alarm) but as fun as (if not more) than normal push bikes…

    Ah fair enough, be interesting to see how far battery technology can progress

    @p0ly 385272 wrote:

    Nope, used to be into the bikes and BMXing but i guess since i started doing drugs i stopped.

    Still do trampoline skateboarding though, deck with no wheels or trucks + trampoline!! good fun.

    seen my mate fucking nail himself in the balls doing that, im sure you must have dont the same by now!

    kickflip into bleeding arse

    I haven’t but have had it in the knee a lot. once when i was a bit drunk and k’ed up i landed and flew back off the trampoline onto my back…. i think i landed like a pro and rolled back with the fall, i was completely unharmed.

    @p0ly 385925 wrote:

    I haven’t but have had it in the knee a lot. once when i was a bit drunk and k’ed up i landed and flew back off the trampoline onto my back…. i think i landed like a pro and rolled back with the fall, i was completely unharmed.

    I’ve done pissed trampolining b4 and done the same thing … did an acsidental sumersault backwards off the thing onto concreat and landed in some kinda army roll .. SKILLZ! :laugh_at:



    @1984 386895 wrote:



    What ever you do don’t take shoe advise from them people!

    @DaftFader 387000 wrote:

    What ever you do don’t take shoe advise from them people!


    must have got the Chinese spammers to do the front cover..

    There’s a group on facebook calledsomething like “Dr. Cunty’s Cunty Shoe Emporium” where people take pictures of the cuntyiest shoes they can find and post them on the wall.
    This pic is deffo a contender!

    I would link to it but facebook is blocked from my work pc. Even searching for the word face on google is blocked lol … I don’t think i’ll be able to even veiw this thread once i post it because it contains the word “facebook” :cry” :laugh_at:






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Forums Life Bikes & Biking Push Bikes and BO