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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Questions About Methamphetimine

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  • Yah Meth…. Just Curious whats in it? Also some slang names for it and is it more addictive then heroin or no?

    i heard it has Lithium, and Red Phosphorous? WTF is red Phosphorous?

    @Ruhl8881 395472 wrote:

    i heard it has Lithium, and Red Phosphorous? WTF is red Phosphorous?

    phosphorous is a strong chemical element which is very reactive (so it can be used to make other chemicals – like methamfetamine!

    it comes in (mostly) two forms, white and red.

    White phosphorous catches alight spectacularly in the air so is nasty stuff to deal with unless you actually want to go around deliberately lighting things on fire, where it is “jolly useful” as us Brits say.

    White Phosphorus (WP)

    Red phosphorous is safer to handle (but still needs to be treated with respect).

    Stuff like this is why meth labs often blow up and why when the feds find them they call in all the hazmat teams as if Al-Quaeda just set up a bomb factory in the local trailer park..

    phosphorous grenades?

    it’s not a cake, it’s a chemical reaction – there’s no “red phosphorous” left in the methamphetamine at the end of production.

    You’re referring to what we call the nazi or “red, white and blue” method of synthing it, there are loads of ways, this one is pretty common though.

    Meth labs explode when solvents start to evaporate and naked flames are used or some knobber uses mechanical electrical switches rather than pneumatic ones without adequate extraction. Fume extraction is a nightmare for meth labs as the whole process stinks enough to think your eyes are going to melt. As a result, often it’s done in small batches. In the UK/Europe the explosion typically happen during the ace washes at the end and aren’t as bad. In the US it’s normally when they are ripping the pep pills at the start, or at the wash at the end. This stuff sits heavy and fills multiple rooms waiting there, you can’t smell a thing after 20 seconds near one. The problem is that typically you’re surrounded by dangerous chemicals, which then go bang too – the burns you see on google images are from the phos normally, a small bang which results in any of that landing on you is bad news.

    Very very rarely the reaction itself can fail and go pop, seen more if using cheap homemade equipment. It’s almost always a result of alcohol or solvent in the air.

    The same dangers are there with most synths (MDMA has an awful stage) but meth labs go bang a lot more because it’s very easy to make so lots of people do it without being educated. Even extractions can go bad in this way. I even had an explosion in a glove box once with some shroom spawn from cleaner fumes building up and touching a gas light, scared the sh*t out of me, but was entirely contained by the box, although needed a sit down and a cup of tea afterwards.

    Oh – yes, it’s extremely addictive and horrible stuff, avoid at all costs. It’s one of the worst drugs ever found and devastates the body. Here in the UK the government had the sense to outright remove the common ingredients to stop home labs from making it like in the states, but I wonder what will happen if they really do manage to stop other uppers being imported to the UK. America is incredibly corrupt to allow home production.

    im suprised it hasnt hit the uk with it being so easy to make apparently , wouldnt want it to anyway

    This is White Phosphorus (more reactive then the red vertion – therefore more interesting to see) what has I belive 4 phosphor atoms aranged in a pyramid shape makeing it quite reactive.


    This is Lithium in water to show you how reactive it is …


    No where near as good as some of them theoreticle elements! ..

    ones that have a half life of milli seconds and only exsist in theory!

    … alltho these would be pretty shit for making crank with I would imagin! :laugh_at:

    @wipeout 395716 wrote:

    im suprised it hasnt hit the uk with it being so easy to make

    our government banned pseudoephderine in OTC medications. Traditionally sudafed has pseudoeph, which is where the US labs get it from. They made it in time, we haven’t seen a meth craze. Although it is around in pills.

    In the UK these meds now contain phenylephrine instead, which cannot be used to make meth.

    I want to know how much meth is too much at one time. As in how many his in one sitting out this many






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Questions About Methamphetimine