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RAID Configuration for SATA

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology RAID Configuration for SATA

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  • i am setting up a RAID 0 configuration for my new pc … and it’s telling me in the motherbord manual that i need a floopy disk drive to make a raid driver disk for it to work and i don’t have one. my friend is adament that you can do it with out a floppy disk and tells me i need to make the RAID volume boot enabled. i can see where it tells me that it isn’t boot enabled but can’t find any options to change it when creating my RAID volume 😥

    any ideas?

    (my mate is in bloody narfark atm so can’t help me and i can’t even phone him as he getting a train somewhere atm)

    If you’re using windows xp you can add the drivers to the installation package using nlite (and add the latest service pack as well while you’re at it). Alternately put the driver on a USB stick and boot from it before the installation. Anyway searching google for both methods should give you more to go on…

    I didn’t go for a RAID array when I built my machine but I toyed with the idea.

    I seem to remember that if you want to set up an array without a floppy drive then you need to make a custom install CD for your windows operating system (I assume you are using windows).

    Just did a bit of googling and the program you need to make the custom install is Nlite – then you add the correct driver to the custom cd.

    You beat me to it Doctor.

    Great minds…

    i am using vista .. will it still work? .. oh and jinx!:love:

    I think there is an equivalent piece of software that will do the same for vista. Google it.

    well i have got round the problem of the drivers (by searching for them on my mother board driver cd:wink:) .. but when tring to install windows after i have loaded the drivers it sais the raid configuration that it now sees as one HD is not a boot device or that the bood is not enabled .. now it shows me this also in the bit where you set up the raid .. but i don’t know how to make it boot enabled .. i belive this is in the bios (you don’t need jumper on a raid configeration do you?)

    I thought you said your RAID was not going to have your OS on it. Only that drive should be bootable.

    Unless you changed your mind.

    your reading an older post elec

    what i did was make a raid with 2 disks and stuck windows on a third






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology RAID Configuration for SATA