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    Originally posted by photographthesun viewpost.gif

    how weriod, and i thought it was the coke heads who were ment to be the most paranoid. Or the speed freaks. In fact, riddle me this, why the hell is speed never around at raves (or at least far far far less around than other stuff) its just so god damn pratical.

    Thats a good point actually! In all the raves i’ve been to, i’ve never seen any speed knocking about, Although never really looked for it tbh, Speeds another one that fucking minging! :weee:

    yea it is about iv had it at raves recently, will keep you dancing/raving all night thats for sure. Realy dirty comedown though, not up for doing a lot of that shit again, think its only realy a good idea if your planning to do a little bit(well atleast under 2 fucking grams!harsh night!) and drink yourself to sleep.

    As for smack, why do it realy, im sure i dont know how amazing it is but does anyone realy ever do it without it fucking up there life? I dont know much about it but realy I want to stay away from it, not realy what the rave scene is about at all is it.

    Playground Politics;239307 wrote:
    it is, my friend got sold 9g of base for a tenner for putting on such a good partay, base is such a good party drug the comedowns are death tho

    is that swim? .. i didn’t think you likes swim:laugh_at:






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