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  • obviously the fact i go to raves and do things i shouldn’t. sex before marriage ect prooves i’m not a very good one

    i feel to uncomfatable in churches, it gives me butterflys when i go in

    they asked me not to come to church any more when all the candles went out and the statue of jesus started shitting blood as i crossed the threshold


    why can’t i se all the replies??

    K_trina wrote:
    why can’t i se all the replies??

    having a little glitch. it’ll be sorted shortly

    i’ve definately had what some people migth call spiritual experinces. certainly some kind of epiphany that changed my life forecer. usually on mushrooms.

    i was also telepathic for a few years

    i don’t believe in any organised religions though. I’ve lived in the middle east and visited latin america and seen first hand war in the name of god and the spread of aids

    in the words of the great, yellow Homer “what if we’ve picked the wrong religion and we’re just making God more and more angry every week?”

    K_trina wrote:
    why can’t i se all the replies??

    not sure will get back to you; i am having this problem too

    if you change display mode to threaded mode they are all there in a different format;

    still cant get other one to work tho’

    I went to church most sundays when growing up with my friends family. Havn’t been in over 10 years, but still the obsessed ones from the local church turn up at my mums house every now and then with new bibles etc, trying to get me back. They just won’t except im not interested anymore and don’t have the same beliefs as them. I was a kid then, I just went for the free chocolate bars, not to be brainwashed.

    i used to get jehovah witnesses at my door until they realised i was married…

    work that one out… a new[?] take on getting more congregation members:crazy_fre

    I don’t believe in the organised religions with enforced belief systems.

    I don’t believe there is anything until I get some proof. I also keep an open mind that there might be a greater power out there. I have no idea to be honest, but I’m definitely not about to go around with blind faith in something just because it’s the done thing.

    titch wrote:
    I just went for the free chocolate bars, not to be brainwashed.

    lucky bastard. I just got warned about the price of sin, eternal damnation, burning in hell etc and never got any chocolate, only those communion wafer things which tasted like stale bread…

    i used to be taken to quaker meetings as a child and i still think that quakers are quite cool

    there’s no hierachy. they meet in a public building (that has other practical uses like a community centre or even someone’s house… not focussed on religion), spend an hour or so sitting in silence, reflecting on the week gone by

    you don’t even have to believe in much to attend, although the concensus is that there is more to life than we can understand and you must be a pacifist

    at the end of the hour anyone who wants to can say something, read out something that made them think or moved them in some way or do whatever they like, in the spirit of the meeting…

    and then everyone has a coffee and talks to each other

    it’s rare that most people ever spend as long as an hour silently reflecting on their life

    i’m on the concientious objectors register thanks to the quakers :bigsmile:

    I was dragged to Church every Sunday for 6 yrs while i was at boarding school and the worst bit was you had to go in school uniform as well…

    The minister had the most monotone voice i have ever heard how i managed to stay awake to this day i still don’t know..

    Had to behave impecibally as the deputy head was one of the church elders and the Head used to come too… i’ll never forget the look on her face when someone dropped the bag of aniseed balls we were passing round… the minister was sayin a prayer and they all fell an dropped bounce bounce bounce down the steps… oops :horay:

    I think that religion’s were created to control people and instill some idea of right an wrong.. i’m not religious however i do believe there is something after all this…

    I tend to take bits from different religions on the way i run my life though i have to say that Buddhism makes the most sense to me

    globalloon wrote:
    i used to be taken to quaker meetings as a child and i still think that quakers are quite cool

    there’s no hierachy. they meet in a public building (that has other practical uses like a community centre or even someone’s house… not focussed on religion), spend an hour or so sitting in silence, reflecting on the week gone by

    yep i will second that

    quakers are great people; even though i am not a christian they are the church service i am at all likely to attend

    in fact despite my different religious views i spent 2 years on and off as the relief part time warden of a meeting house and never once was uncomfortable.:bigsmile:

    Not into it at all. I used to go (be made to go) to Sunday School when I was a kid (I started refusing to go at about age 8 I would guess), but I was never into the religion side of it at all.

    The good thing about it was that I grew up in the countryside and lived miles from the next kid so it was an opportunity to see other people my own age.

    Of course, it gave my mum the opportunity to cook Sunday roast without having me under her feet!!

    I guess I probably learnt some good stuff in respect of do not steal etc etc – good morals I guess, but I think I probably learnt that sort of stuff from my parent tbh.

    Now I only go to church on Weddings, Christenings and Funerals.

    Some of my friends have got married in churches and I know that they don’t believe in it and haven’t been to a church in years – I find it completely hipocritical.

    I don’t really believe in religion or afterlife for that matter, although I toyed with the idea of an afterlife for a few years in my teens – just because it seemed like a nice idea more than anything else. I just think we are born, live to procreate and then we die.

    One of my friends became a born again christian after years of atheism and it has really helped her – she doesn’t preech and it has definately done wonders for her self esteem. Horses for courses I guess, some people need to believe in something, although I do think that the bible, koran etc etc do have many positive messages that people could learn from.

    control of the masses thru the fear of good :get_you:

    religion shud be a personal thing not pushed upon anyone






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