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Robitussin High

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  • I drank a bottle of Robitussin with only DXM as main ingredient, in the bottle there was ~350mg Dectromethorphan HBR. I read on erowid about people’s experiences and where i weight 180 pounds, a guy who weights the same claims to have drunk the same exact bottle and gone so high it changed his life he said. I’ve eaten 16 Coricidin pills before with friends but I don’t recommend it, it amounts to the same but it’s certainly much worse for you and I didn’t get particularly high. Perhaps I have a natural tolerance for DXM. Is that possible?

    It sounds like it would be my drug of choice if it got me high. It’s none too expensive, if I could find pure DXM pills I imagine I would need to find some and take lots. Well anyway I drank a whole bottle and only felt the pull of gravity through out my body a little which disappeared whenever I was aware of it, I also had a good deal of trouble walking but I certainly didn’t trip!

    Has anyone had a similar experience and do you think I should take more? I’ve read that 600-1500mg is a ‘heavy’ dose and I think pills are mostly sold in a dose of around 350mg so I under the impression I’d taken 700mg which should have been the ticket!?

    I’m looking for a ‘3rd plateau’ experience you see like the time I ate a eighth of high quality shrooms and it had the best day of my life so I’m hoping for something like that…

    Any comments would be nice thanks!

    Hey! I’m a 17 year old female: 130 pounds — a few nights ago , I took 11 Coricidin pills (for the first time) thinking that I was going to have a good trip… well, an hour later… nothing… 2 hours later, my legs felt light, the next hour… i get horrible hot / cold flashes – where my face was hot as hell and the rest of my body freezing. And that was the end of my trip! How disappointing…

    I figure I’ll take more next time (16)… but I think it’s strange that all my male friends take 8 and report feeling euphoria and all that good stuff… and all i get is chills and light feet?!

    Like Dave… I think I may somehow have a natural tolerance for DXM?!

    To 17yr old female – please read this warning from erowid and check those trip reports! There have been loads of side effects and people ending up in the emergency room etc

    It may be that you had a lucky escape here!

    SPECIAL WARNING – Coricidin Cough and Cold

    There are many over-the-counter products which contain DXM. Most contain additional active ingredients which are best avoided at high doses. The higher the dose, the more likely problems are. One product which has caused problems for many people is Coricidin Cough and Cold which contains DXM and Chlorpheniramine Maleate. If you are using DXM recreationally, avoid using Coricidin Cough and Cold as your DXM source.

    We have collected a few reports specifically about people’s experiences with Coricidin…

    Yeah man Cordicin isn’t good stuff. If you want the effects of DXM stick to Robitussin Extra Strength. The other brands dont have DXM as their primary ingridient. Cordicin and some of the other shit has Aspirates. Stick with Robitussin.

    Hey guys, I just found this site because I was looking to see how much I need to take to get high on Robitussin weighing 123 pounds. I only want to reach the low second plateau, or high first plateaus, which is around 2.5 mg of Coricidin per Kilo of my weight.

    However the first time I did it (two weeks ago) I found out I may have developed a dependancy on Coricidin so I’ve still got a cold, and I’m doing Robitussin now.

    Unregistered wrote:
    Hey! I’m a 17 year old female: 130 pounds — a few nights ago , I took 11 Coricidin pills (for the first time) thinking that I was going to have a good trip… well, an hour later… nothing… 2 hours later, my legs felt light, the next hour… i get horrible hot / cold flashes – where my face was hot as hell and the rest of my body freezing. And that was the end of my trip! How disappointing…

    I figure I’ll take more next time (16)… but I think it’s strange that all my male friends take 8 and report feeling euphoria and all that good stuff… and all i get is chills and light feet?!

    Like Dave… I think I may somehow have a natural tolerance for DXM?!

    This is how it is on DXM high, to my knowledge, there are 4 plateaus, meaning each level of high effects aren’t increased but change dramatically.

    The first is a feeling of power, increased motor skills, and slight euphoria, perhaps tingling.

    Second is double vision, bad short term memory, euphoria, inability to walk, and enlarged pupils (pupils stay big from here on).

    Third plateau is anxiety, a desire to not be involved in a group, fidgeting, seeing those little lights move when you close your eyes, hard time keeping up. Fourth…well don’t go there you can get a brain hemorrhage. Anyways you got to level 3 and got anxious so you had a bad trip, lose all fear and you’re good. They got to the low second plateau so they were good.

    Dave8722 wrote:
    I drank a bottle of Robitussin with only DXM as main ingredient, in the bottle there was ~350mg Dectromethorphan HBR. I read on erowid about people’s experiences and where i weight 180 pounds, a guy who weights the same claims to have drunk the same exact bottle and gone so high it changed his life he said. I’ve eaten 16 Coricidin pills before with friends but I don’t recommend it, it amounts to the same but it’s certainly much worse for you and I didn’t get particularly high. Perhaps I have a natural tolerance for DXM. Is that possible?

    It sounds like it would be my drug of choice if it got me high. It’s none too expensive, if I could find pure DXM pills I imagine I would need to find some and take lots. Well anyway I drank a whole bottle and only felt the pull of gravity through out my body a little which disappeared whenever I was aware of it, I also had a good deal of trouble walking but I certainly didn’t trip!

    Has anyone had a similar experience and do you think I should take more? I’ve read that 600-1500mg is a ‘heavy’ dose and I think pills are mostly sold in a dose of around 350mg so I under the impression I’d taken 700mg which should have been the ticket!?

    I’m looking for a ‘3rd plateau’ experience you see like the time I ate a eighth of high quality shrooms and it had the best day of my life so I’m hoping for something like that…

    Any comments would be nice thanks!

    I’ve had my share of Robitussin drinking. I dont see why in the world you would not get high from a whole 350 ml bottle. My friends and I use to go steal bottles from the Pharmacie and drink only half and be flying for 6 hours. DXM is a strong ingredient and you should be feeling high.

    Once i took it with about 6 friends and for some off reason we all started itching now my freinds had self control but i lost it. I scratched and scratched until my whole body was a rash, my friends held my hands because I was almost bleeding but I had such a huge urge to scratch that I punched my good buddy in the face. They put me in a bath and put cream all over my body.

    DXM can be very dangerous, it has many side effects. For example my friend took it one night while we were all on speed she was broke. She felt nothing but ended up pucking PINK all night. The next day at around 6 (11 hour later) she smoked a big fatty and the DXM buzz hit her like a bullet 11 hour later! She was buzzed out of her mind for 6 hours! So watch out when you do that stuff you never know. And as for pure DXM pills my friend had a seizure on it on the bus, then ambulance and everything.

    So yeah it’s fun, its cheap but if you wanna get high you might as well go buy yourself some weed. You can never go wrong with weed!

    Dextromethorphan is a funny drug. about 2% of people can’t metabolise it at all due to lacking a certain enzyme. for some this means they dont experience any effects at all when taking dxm. for others it means they can trip for 7 days on 2mg/kg (a small 1st plateau dose) and probably risk severe psychological damage in the process.

    it also appears to be linked to hppd (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder) from what i’ve researched on the subject.

    funny that you can buy this stuff over the counter in many countries because it’s an effective cough suppressant, despite the fact that it’s a rather dangerous and sinister synthetic drug. while things like lsd which are actually more safe (if used responsibly) and have far greater possibilities in medicine (particularly as a cure for addiction) are prohibited.

    there’s a ton of more general dxm info here;


    TBH it sounds like filthy shit – I wouldn’t take it even if I was ill

    this is almost more fucked up stories than our heroin thread – seems like a lot of young people have been involved in nightmarish experiences which could have lasting effects and permanently damage friendships (if you attack your friend on drugs he/she is always going to be a bit wary of you from then on even if you make up afterwards)

    I notice a lot of the posters are from the USA where drug laws are stricter

    this is the reality of the war on drugs

    people doing themselve more damage because of prohibition

    i just did robo for the first time last night at my party, and my parents were there totally supervising, whatev i could control myself but it was pretty sweet, it was the weirdest feeling it wasn’t anything like being high or drunk it was completely different i felt the greatest i ever felt in my life i would definatly do it again, but stick to robo sounds like that other shit gives you problems

    succexy baby wrote:
    i just did robo for the first time last night at my party, and my parents were there totally supervising, whatev i could control myself but it was pretty sweet, it was the weirdest feeling it wasn’t anything like being high or drunk it was completely different i felt the greatest i ever felt in my life i would definatly do it again, but stick to robo sounds like that other shit gives you problems

    welcome to partyvibe



      Hi Succexy Baby

      :horay: Welcome to Partyvibe:horay:

      So glad you have found us:bigsmile:

      I can’t imagine what the first person in this thread was thinking: “Maybe if I drink this whole bottle instead of the recommended amount…” some fucking genius!

      I mean this shit’s on a completely different level to other drugs in that there are 4 fucking plateaus to it!

      The sad part is all the trip reports I’ve heard sound like a fucking Tim Burton movie script.

      I’ve had nothing but good times! Also people aught to beware of the CCCs

      I know they might be easier to grab off a shelf, but Jesus you fiends! It’s like 5 USD!

      I can just asking my mother to buy me some, bahahah!

      Usually she would find out about a crafty drug scheme like this and get all crazy! I’m a simple man trying to get high…

      i really wanna try this buzz out but really no naff al bout it…. ne suggestions? is robitussin the safest option ?xXx

      this sounds dirty and dangerous, ill stick to sumint decent

      if the goverment legalised rugs then no one wud bother going to all the trouble and risk their health for sum shity cold medicen high if you cud by what ever u wanted from the pharmacy,

      there are much beter things u can buyt legaly than cold medicene, try “fly agaric” (search it on google) boil up a big brew of tea with them in a have a nice decent healty trip

      also if u havnt done any propper rugs the legal high pills are quite good, but more dangerous than the real McCoy






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