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Robitussin Trip

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  • @Koldhearted 234123 wrote:

    would anyone know why it didn’t work =/??

    and i buy pot sometimes =D

    been thinking of trying shrooms and maybe acid…

    are there any risks or negative side effects to either of those

    shrooms & acid are awesome things. do be prepared for a CRAZY time though. i recommend being fully prepared when doing either of these…what i mean by that is plan it out thoroughly and dont do them on impulse. like “hmm..i have nothing to do today, i think i’ll take some cid”. bad idea. and highly recommend doing it with someone else, someone you can completely trust AND feel completely comfortable around, for your first time. i have to say that out of all the times ive tripped (at least 20 times), all my best trips were with someone else. i never really enjoyed tripping by myself.

    another tip: it isnt a good idea to be around other people who arent tripping also. ESPECIALLY not good to be the only one tripping in a group of people. i have had 2 bad trips in my life. one of them, i was tripping on some shrooms with my buddy and having a great trip. his friend called him and invited him over. we drove 15 minutes down the road (terrible idea to drive while tripping. it is harder than driving drunk) and within 2 minutes of being there with 4 people not tripping, i started having the most terrifying trip. i had to leave immediately or (in my mind) i was going to die.

    The other bad trip is an example of why it is good to have good thoughts and conversations. tripping with the same friend (another time. and note, it is not the friend that caused the bad trips. ive had good trips with him too), we were outside his apartment, each smoking a cigarette, telling stories. he started to tell me about one of his good friends, who i know as well, and how he is going, literally, crazy. due to the excessive alcohol and drugs he’s been doing for the past 16 years. he was just saying how its sad and shit. only a few seconds into his story, it suddenly gave me the worst feeling ever. i felt overwhelmed with anxiety and what some drug users call “the fear”. a complete blackness started clouding my vision from the edges, working its way in. i just stopped him and said “i have to go inside.” i stumbled in, took 2 steps, and felt as though i were going to fall over. i was holding my self up against the walls of the hallway. my friend said “why dont you go lay down on my bed.” barely able to speak, i said “i cant…i just cant.” “what do you mean?” he asked. “i cant do anything…” i then dropped to the floor and everything that was “really there” had disappeared. i was only seeing visuals. it was the most unpleasant experience. after about 20 seconds, it all went away and i felt normal again. i was back to a happy trip. and that bad trip only really lasted about 2 minutes but it seemed WAYY longer. i was lucky to snap back into a good trip. this little conversation, that would not normally effect me much, set off a bad trip. and i am not at all a sensitive person. things do not emotionally effect me (sober. but on a trip, all your emotions are multiplied by 100). so the point being, keep your conversation topics and thoughts positive during a trip.

    all in all, mushrooms and acid can be very fun, long as they are used properly. so good luck and happy tripping! 😀

    oh and to answer your question 😉 lol psilocybin (magic mushrooms) has no harmful physical effects. lsd has not been proven to either, but i believe more than shrooms, effect your state of mind and thinking process, and can make you go crazy if you drop too much. but with moderate use, you will not have any problems 🙂

    It would probably be easier and less hassle to buy DXM in powder form off an RC site. Though I guess quality could be compromised.

    Well for my first time i drank two bottles but i wouldnt recomend it. It made my tollerance so high tht i have to have at least drink tht much now. But my first time was the best and worst. It was the least i have ever done and it had the most euphoric it has ever been. But after tht i was watching tv and i went crazy acting like all the characters in the show. Ever since then the only way to describe the trips are like i lose my sense of identity. I forget who i am and start acting like other people good or bad and i get really paranoid, i would recomend 1 or 1 1/2 for your first time

    don’t drink cough syrup guys! buy dxm powder plz






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