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Sat Nav

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  • Due to us both increasingly driving up to Central London each week I decided to ‘splash’ out on sat nav,

    and just wanted to share how fantastic it is :love:

    My maps are so out of date I was trying to find a hospital in Ealing and drove on to a new housing estate – where they’d sold the land,

    and I am notoriously bad at a sense of direction

    (did my bronze DOE when about 14 (chance to get away from the olds and smoke weed)and got picked up by the rozzers as had been missing for hours and thought we knew exactly where we were and were quite happy :laugh_at: :you_crazy )

    sat navs are in cahoots with the petrol compnays, they make u drive the most ridiculous routes to places costing you a reidiculous amount when theres an a road stright there, thats my thoughts

    im about the get my hands on a phone built in sat nav! how fuckin useful for parties?!?

    are you talking about that new nokia phone? (N95i i think) cause its supposed to be a bit rubbish i think.

    I use a Garmin Sat-Nab sometimes and it has never let me down yet…. only times it has gone wrong is when i have not listened to it properly :crazy_diz

    djprocess wrote:
    are you talking about that new nokia phone? (N95i i think) cause its supposed to be a bit rubbish i think.

    shhhhh dont tell me that! share my excitement
    i doubt it can be shitter than my current phone anyway
    n ive heard the iphone is shitter! played with that in the shop for about 2 seconds and got bored

    I like the paper maps :shy: plus my mate’s car has been broken into 3 times for his sat nav [so take it out of the car when you leave and consider not having ostentatious mounts visible]

    GPS is fine until you hit a reception blackspot ( a common issue in densley wooded areas, where often no radio comms equipment works particularly well!)

    Then you can end up with a position error that spins you off course, and only corrects several seconds later. Also the maps in satnavs are sometimes obtained compiled from low-cost foreign sources rather than the Ordnance Survey and can contain inaccuracies. Mind you probably no worse than many of the road atlases on sale in shops these days..

    ive borrowed my mums for long journeys and its good for in towns but pretty shite for a roads and motorways, it tried to take me 70 miles out of my way round the m25 and bring me in on the other side of london last time i went to see my sister, so i went in using a map, then it comes into its own, i could never have found my way whilst driving.






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