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Say kids, you know what time it is?

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  • My MSF clock (which my mate tatted from some random source in Reading) finally gave up the ghost, making all kinds of random beeping noises and not showing the time.. (it had already been becoming increasingly flaky anyway)

    So I took the screwdriver to it and extracted the MSF/DCF77 receiver module (rather bizzarely the device had actually been set to German reception at DCF77 rather than MSF, despite this clock coming from Blighty)..


    red = +3V DC
    black = 0v
    orange (looks yellow on this photo) = MSF signal output
    green = power save, turns off RX if not tied to 0V (ground) – I expect its used for clocks that free run most of the day but only synchronise to radio time once in the middle of the night, and an extra “alarm” circuit in the main clock is used to turn off the MSF RX (it uses only 450 microamps anyway!)

    I connected it to two AA batteries and a Velleman LCD scope


    watch the watch 😉 and what happens to the signal at the start of the new minute…

    The next stage is to connect it to an arduino and decode the signals into something useful. Now this is a lot of effort to make a clock (especially when my telephone system is also correctly synchronised to national time, and I can just buy another MSF one ready built for about £5 these days) but I am trying to brush up on my conventional electronics skills, also if I use the Arduino it can power all manner of interesting display devices raaa

    Got it working raaa.

    now the MSF module is conected to Analog 0 input which is set to nr interrupt drive the video shows the code reading the MSF data twice on a new minute (apologies for poor light on the first one). it often takes multiple tries as there is interference which corrupts the MSF signal but once a minute of decent noise free signal has been received the clock can start and is then resynchronised every new minute.


    this is all alien to me GL.

    it isn’t as complicated as it looks – just a clock which keeps accurate time and sets itself. (An Arduino is a miniature computer – it is as powerful as the computers we had 30 years ago but the entire circuit board will fit into a cigarette packet).

    There is a big transmitter tower at Anthorn in Cumbria which transmits a signal every second at 60 KHz. The signal has a callsign MSF (Mike Sierra Foxtrot) as it can be picked up in foreign countries, and M (Mike) means “United Kingdom” on radio callsigns

    The Germans have a similar one DCF77 (Delta Charlie Foxtrot 77) – D (Delta) means “Deutschland” as you would expect. But I want the correct British time, as it is an average between the atomic clock and the rotation of the Earth, as the Earth is actually slightly on the wonk (it rotates at an angle) meaning that extra leap seconds need to be added into the time every few years.

    The circuit board in the clear plastic box picks this signal up, and produces a pulse of electricity every second. This pulse varies in length and format depending on whether its a new minute, and there are other signals encoded into the pulse (by switching parts of the signal on and off, like old style morse code.)

    So when a whole minute has been picked up by the software, we have the correct time and can display it.

    In fact I borrowed the code from this dude as my programming skills aren’t that good

    MSL radio time receiver code for Arduino

    (I dropped out of uni after year 2, was more interested in MDMA :laugh_at:) so I am having to relearn such stuff. I just added the bits to make the LCD display work.

    As I said its actually complete overkill for a clock – you can buy similar clocks in the shops, its just that I was curious about how the system worked, had the equipment to decode it and wanted to practice my programming and electronics as this had got rusty – a few years ago I was doing much more complex electronic stuff than this…

    it was a interesting challenge, and in my field of work an accurate clock is always useful…

    Its much more fun to recycle old circuit boards – we have a box of bits here for projects like that :shy: rarely does anything break which we don’t mine for the parts still working


    @p0ly 447577 wrote:

    this is all alien to me GL.

    That’s cos GL’s building a spaceship. 😉

    slightly improved version of the design with a more compact display and a LED to show the incoming MSF pulses..

    starting up


    locking on to MSF (last to seconds of a minute being read)


    Hi General Lighting ,
    Mate reminds me of old science programs we watched at school lol , cheers mate i just watched your vids in my mind im in front of a huge tv wood lined with black shutters lol . You know what im on about i think lol .


    @mungo1972 448429 wrote:

    Hi General Lighting ,
    Mate reminds me of old science programs we watched at school lol , cheers mate i just watched your vids in my mind im in front of a huge tv wood lined with black shutters lol . You know what im on about i think lol .


    yep the schools issue telly with Thorn EMI/Ferguson chassis (which actually was quite advanced for its day as tellies went, having inputs for direct video etc).

    I was really tempted to point at things with a pencil but the video would have been even more unsteady as I was holding the blackberry in the other hand :laugh_at:

    The link below might bring back some memories..

    very neat piece of work, gl !like the music on the vid too 😉

    Here’s the thing totaly finished.







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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Say kids, you know what time it is?