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Shisha, Hookah…

Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco Shisha, Hookah…

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  • @chris.evil 377575 wrote:

    LoL do you get any buzz from that stuff?…

    And Josh is that you Josh Josh? The one who er had helicopters after him that one time?
    And the cheeseburger?

    yes its me :love:
    erm its not a buzz as such, but it makes u feel good,,, like normal smoking its the breathing rhythm etc, but this is nicer as its something to get interested in, it tastes good, and it hasnt got all the shit that ciggies have in them.. chemicals n stuff. also, you can blow smoke rings like gandalf 😉


    @Glittersniffer 377579 wrote:

    Well basically I’m screwed now anyway. I was going to attempt saving. But i have £1.90 in my bank and now have 58 pence in my wallet cause i spent the last fiver on halves on a draw. At least i have that though 😀

    I guess for future reference now. I want a good one But i don’t have the money for an amazing one. I need it fairly cheap. I’ll get a really good huge one once I’ve moved out of here.

    So is that one good enough or just kind of a waste of money all together?

    ah i see :), ye its alright, although beware the bowl looks pretty big on it, so youll be using a fair amount of shisha at a time, but you will get a better taste at least


    Rofl I still dont get whats so pumped about it… I mean… 😀

    Is nicotine in it?…

    @chris.evil 377697 wrote:

    Is nicotine in it?…


    just ordered a new one =D

    cant wait for the strawberry & lemon times… i got a double clay funnel bowl so i can mix de fruitiness…. im thinking… mint in 1 bowl, and lightly fruited tobacco in the other =D

    Anyone got a biggen to suggest then? Up to £50 Cause I’m too short on cash to spend over a hundred. Its my birthday in a few weeks so i want to treat myself.

    I didn’t think camden would be very cheap for them. I know you can kind of haggle them down but my mates been given complete useless shisha’s from there not tight.


    aladin pipes are damn fine!!! and cheap! smoke realllllllly nice with some icy water in the vase, and a vortex bowl.

    if your on the prowl and you happen to see some nakhla tobacco, buy it… its the best tobacco i have ever tasted… possibly better than a montecristo number 2…

    Smoking a Hookah is so much less harmful than cigarettes with none of the horrible smell either. Filtering the smoke through water helps cool and filter the smoke which also helps and there are just so many wonderful flavors of tobacco…

    If anyone hasn’t tried mint, I would HIGHLY recommend it. So good

    i miss glittersniffer and her snails 🙁






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Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco Shisha, Hookah…