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Should I buy this laptop?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?

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  • samsung np355v5c a0duk

    She seems pretty good. I didn’t provide a link so you wouldn’t be biased from reading the review I provide. It has a Quad core AMD A84500 1.9Ghz, 6 gig ram and 750 gig hard drive. 64 bit windows. I don’t really want windows 8 though to be honest I want windows xp.LOL It also has a AMD Radeon HD 7640G graphics chipset.

    Oh and it comes in blue. If anyone wants to recommend me a lappy for £450 fire away.

    Ill look at it later when I’m not on my phone but imo save a bit more and build your own pc much better value, you can get a nice pc for 600 probably less if you’re smart about it… Look for parts at Cheap Laptops, Tablet PC, and Cheap LED TVs | they tend to be cheapish

    LOL why do people keep saying this to me everytime I mention I can’t afford any more than 450 people tell me there are better ones for 600. I’m not getting a PC at the sec mate cos I don’t know where i’m gonna be within the next few months(I’m a double O agent). I’m probably gonna get my PC in the summer but for now I just want something new to keep me happy.

    I have looked around loads and this laptop has been recommended to me by two pretty good sources but i wanted a third opinion PV style

    Oh and when I said 450 i am not spending 450 on that particular laptop, that is just the figure I have.

    Beware ebuyer their customer service is legendery shite I personally would avoid for laptops (great for components and stuff that is less liable to braking). Depends what you want the laptop for I guess, I am guessing not hard core gaming for that price.

    Nah not for gaming mate, just for a replacement for my old work horse lappy. So basically music making, youtube, partyvibe and submarine porn.

    Hmm yeah I’d probably take it then if thats the case.

    WELL now I have been looking at some deskies I’m thinking.

    What is everyones thoughts on a 3.4ghz amd a4 5300 dual core, and a 2gb amd radeon hd 7420 graphics card are within my reach. I really should just get a laptop 🙁 damn you!!

    i recommend a toughbook, they’re frickin awesome!!
    They take all physical abuse when you’re pissed off that you’re flatmates hoggin the bandwidth, mines been thrown at the floor, fell and crashed off the bed when i trip on the charge lead, had cups of tea spilt on it, you can just be really rough with it and it doesn’t give a rats ass =D
    Plus when you upgrade the ram and put a second hardrive in, it’s speedy gonzalez!

    panasonic toughbook cf-29 war cheap laptop notebook 1.3 on eBay!

    They should rename it the squatters book. Not bad.

    @thelog 540028 wrote:

    WELL now I have been looking at some deskies I’m thinking.

    What is everyones thoughts on a 3.4ghz amd a4 5300 dual core, and a 2gb amd radeon hd 7420 graphics card are within my reach. I really should just get a laptop 🙁 damn you!!

    Desktops FTW (he types from a laptop lol)

    @thelog 540028 wrote:

    WELL now I have been looking at some deskies I’m thinking.

    What is everyones thoughts on a 3.4ghz amd a4 5300 dual core, and a 2gb amd radeon hd 7420 graphics card are within my reach. I really should just get a laptop 🙁 damn you!!

    Bottom line – it depends how portable you want your computer to be, and what software you want to run on it.

    There is a very good 64 bit hacked version of XP called XP Superior. It’s Dutch and rare as rocking horse poo.

    My work laptop is a Samsung series 9. It’s pretty good.

    Get a MacBook pro!

    If you go for a pc, let me build iit for you, should wokr out cheaper mate.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?