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Should I buy this laptop?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?

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  • @MR207 540163 wrote:

    Get a MacBook pro!

    Yes get a used macbook pro. Stop wasting your time on games and make some more music, NOW like, lol

    Or listen to daft, he knows a ting or two of self builds.

    Yeagh I’ll help you ou when I have the presence of mind to work out stuff …

    Well I am like a child when it comes to wanting things so In am sonna buy that 8 series samsung and worry about a PC later. I will be able to do tons more with it anyway and I aint too worried about gaming at the moment TBH. It’s al about the music. The only down side is that it hasn’t got phono outputs which is rare in laptops. The only one I know of is the toshiba satalite. Also why do no lappys have optical outputs. Few years ago everything was like Get optical and enjoy 7.1 surround. So have we gone back to feeding from headphone jacks, or is there something with USB that I am missing??

    I’ve NEVER seen a laptop with phono in/out!?

    u mad bro. 😛

    You would need an external sound card for that I would think.

    Macbook pro have optical and its perfect for a stand alone soundcard

    @thelog 540183 wrote:

    Well I am like a child when it comes to wanting things so In am sonna buy that 8 series samsung and worry about a PC later. I will be able to do tons more with it anyway and I aint too worried about gaming at the moment TBH. It’s al about the music. The only down side is that it hasn’t got phono outputs which is rare in laptops. The only one I know of is the toshiba satalite. Also why do no lappys have optical outputs. Few years ago everything was like Get optical and enjoy 7.1 surround. So have we gone back to feeding from headphone jacks, or is there something with USB that I am missing??

    @DaftFader 540185 wrote:

    I’ve NEVER seen a laptop with phono in/out!?

    u mad bro. 😛

    You would need an external sound card for that I would think.

    Oh sry miss underastood what you ment, it’s rare FOR laptops to have phono, not rare for them to not have them like the one you’re getting.

    You will be sorry raftwader, anyway skype me when you are about mate, I wanna give you a cam show.

    Anyway I bought the samsung and I fucking hate windows 8, there is a mod that lets you disable the shitty metro shit but the prick is charging £5 for it. BUT I foud it on pirate bay anyway. LOLOLOLOLOL

    I would rather have windows 7 or maybe even XP

    Windows 7 ftw. Win 8 is designed primarily with phones and touch screen tablets etc. in mind. I’d not go near that OS with a ten foot barge pole personally.

    P.S. I’m on skype now man, don’t expect much sense out of me though lol.

    @DaftFader 540203 wrote:

    Windows 7 ftw. Win 8 is designed primarily with phones and touch screen tablets etc. in mind. I’d not go near that OS with a ten foot barge pole personally.

    The few people I know that got it hated it and either disabled all the crap on it (and still weren’t best pleased), or just reinstalled win 7 lol.

    @thelog 540183 wrote:

    Well I am like a child when it comes to wanting things so In am sonna buy that 8 series samsung and worry about a PC later. I will be able to do tons more with it anyway and I aint too worried about gaming at the moment TBH. It’s al about the music. The only down side is that it hasn’t got phono outputs which is rare in laptops. The only one I know of is the toshiba satalite. Also why do no lappys have optical outputs. Few years ago everything was like Get optical and enjoy 7.1 surround. So have we gone back to feeding from headphone jacks, or is there something with USB that I am missing??

    @DaftFader 540185 wrote:

    I’ve NEVER seen a laptop with phono in/out!?

    u mad bro. 😛

    You would need an external sound card for that I would think.

    @DaftFader 540189 wrote:

    Oh sry miss underastood what you ment, it’s rare FOR laptops to have phono, not rare for them to not have them like the one you’re getting.

    if a laptop has a phono socket on it normally its a single yellow one used to plug into a analogue TV set (remember those?) which is why its rare today.

    TBH for laptop sound you want at least a external soundcard and probably also a DI box with ground lift to get best sound quality and avoid PSU / noise interference

    @GL They are also used as SP/DIF afaik …

    @Log What version of windows 8 is it you have? (home basic, pro etc,). 64bit or 32?

    64 bit feces edition, I think it is the home version r something. I will have a look as soon as a have deleted all these bulshit apps it came with like Sky news (I would rather fall on a sharp flint wall than use sky news) jamie oliver and loads of other shit. I have also just removed norton.

    @thelog 540211 wrote:

    64 bit feces edition, I think it is the home version r something. I will have a look as soon as a have deleted all these bulshit apps it came with like Sky news (I would rather fall on a sharp flint wall than use sky news) jamie oliver and loads of other shit. I have also just removed norton.

    I was asking as you can downgrade from win 8 to win 7 of the same version without having to totally reinstall, but I just found out you have to have or buy the full win 7 first.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?