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Should I buy this laptop?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?

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  • @DaftFader 540256 wrote:

    …but I just found out you have to have or buy the full win 7 first.

    Wellll… yesssss…. possession is 9 tenths of the law.

    What do you want Windows for Mr Log? Games? Fair enough if you do, I can’t think of any other reason for having Windows.

    It is near impossible to buy a new laptop with Windows 7 (unless you get end of line ones). Microsoft appears deliberately doing this (they may even be subsidising new ones) to force Win 8 on a large userbase to act as unpaid beta testers so they can find and iron out the bugs. In my experience no MS operating system is worth much good until its two years old.

    As for why folk don’t use Macs or Linux in preference to Windows (which I agree is flaky) its because there is a price premium – either you pay more for the hardware and there seems less opportunity to get warez/freeware (Macs) (ok I have seen Mac freeware but not as much cracked/pirate stuff) or with Linux you need to invest far more time in learning the tech side of computers. I’ve also not seen any DAW’s for Linux with the same feature set as the Windoze or Mac ones.

    BTW in UK broadcasting though production areas sometimes (not exclusively) use mac based infrastructure nearly everything for playout and distribution is Windows based at the desktop (with some Linux based kit for very specialised tasks). Similarly in NL. it isn’t ideal and why there are often so many presentation errors but how much it all costs in pounds/euros is the decider, not how easy or reliable it is to use.

    Slowly getting used to win8 metro, it’s not the best in the world. It’s like someone has jammed another OS on top of windows OS. I mean it’s super user friendly for touch screen junkies and n00bs. Thing is it’s so simple it’s a bit insulting to my intelligence. One thing I can say I like is; do you remember on older windows you had all the navigation buttons and other hand buttons. Well they have returned : )

    So what’s the word on the street for what windows 8 is like for processor abuse. I am coming from Vista so you can imagine what a shitty time I had

    I remembered earlier when windows 95 came out and I was a 3.11 purest. I hated the whole start button. I was mega pissed of that my file manager had been got rid of for “my computer” and “program files”

    I guess it is just gonna take some getting used to, either that or change to linux

    day 2

    Last night I was up late playing loads of games of steam that I haven’t played for ages. I have the demo of ARMA2 and I had forgot how hard it is. I need some advice on how to get my mouse working properly for games TBH. It’s annoying the way it moves at the sec. It has been a long old time since I have configured a souse for gaming. I had a little go on planetside 2 aswell. It’s ok but lone wolfing it in a game like that is bit shit.

    I’m in the process of transferring my 10Gb of music data and projects via windows network sharing centre at 1mbps (well it is fluctuating) Also it’s a pain because it is sometimes stopping because certain files cannot be copied so I have to try and keep an eye on it. i could check the “do this for all items” box but I want to know which ones are not working.

    Oh year one mega annoying thing about this laptop is the fucking space bar makes a loud click and squeak when I press it. I have tried sitting pressing it over and over again but it still squeaking. Pissing me off!!

    Ok, I have been digging deep into the processes and all sorts of stuff and it seems that this metro stuff is gonna be a pain in the arse for low power machines. The built in apps are constantly downloading, like the mail apps and news etc. So not only are they taking up cpu power by running in the background but taking up bandwidth too. I’m gonna disable all of these little fuckers. Not that they really put a dent in my superior power XD but I just don’t want stuff constantly running and downloading shit I’m never going to use. So as I say people running windows 8 on low power machines are gonna get fed up with the slow speeds if they are not savvy enough to know how to turn all the crap off.

    Anyway I seem to be getting on ok without a start bar, but maybe because I am from a time before the start bar was invented, at times it does feel like my arm has been chopped off but then I quickly think to resolve the problem. I do miss the start bar to be honest. It did make some things really quick, but I will give it 6 more days before I make decision.

    Oh and i’m thinking maybe to split this thread to make it a separate windows 8 thread.

    @korno 540029 wrote:

    i recommend a toughbook, they’re frickin awesome!!
    They take all physical abuse when you’re pissed off that you’re flatmates hoggin the bandwidth, mines been thrown at the floor, fell and crashed off the bed when i trip on the charge lead, had cups of tea spilt on it, you can just be really rough with it and it doesn’t give a rats ass =D
    Plus when you upgrade the ram and put a second hardrive in, it’s speedy gonzalez!

    <a href=" toughbook cf-29 war cheap laptop notebook 1.3 on eBay!

    The ultimate ketamine laptop haha. And congrats loggy 😀 Get some techno going yo!

    i’m not sure if I will downgrade to win7, there doesn’t seem much incentive really. But I will consider installing the third party start7 mod that gives me back my start menu.

    Win7 does both 32bits and 64bit programs, that gives you a back catalog of music production tings that win8 will never be able to do due to it only do 64bits….thats why

    @!sinner69! 540438 wrote:

    Win7 does both 32bits and 64bit programs, that gives you a back catalog of music production tings that win8 will never be able to do due to it only do 64bits….thats why

    Most 32bit DAWs and production software will run on both Win7 and Win8 and Win XP x64 (though this last one is rarely seen)

    it is the device drivers for hardware that might give more trouble

    of course there can be other incompatibilities. for instance the playout system for ICR-FM (Sonicart) will not work on even a Windows 7 machine (I have tried it and it just crashes hard). This happens for a variety of reasons and unfortunately it seems that American engineers often think a solution to a problem is to throw more money and resources and that all consuming capitalism will save the world like superhero with his pants outside his trousers. Some British ones try this and run out of money halfway and end up in a baying crowd with their trousers down and their pants around their ankles.

    European and Asian ones think differently and are more amenable to making things stay working long term. I have noticed this with all manner of systems over the years.

    Another reason is this benchmark test;…/762183-my-windows-7-vs-windows-8-dawbench- results.html

    I saw this problems discussed somewhere else aswell cannot find it atm but will post it when i find it again. A 30%+ preformance drop is quite a bit plus old sound libs that do not work…do you need more reasons?

    What do you mean wont run 32 bit programs!!! Why did no one tell me this before 🙁

    Hang on a sec, I’m running 32 bit programs on it, Fruityloops 10 is only 32bit. i’m so confused.

    @thelog 540450 wrote:

    What do you mean wont run 32 bit programs!!! Why did no one tell me this before 🙁

    Hang on a sec, I’m running 32 bit programs on it, Fruityloops 10 is only 32bit. i’m so confused.

    it is usually the kernel level code (hardware drivers etc) which won’t work. Which is not a good situation if you have spent €200 on a pro audio soundcard and then it does not work on your new computer, but most other applications will.

    Ow man, i’m installing all my vst’s now so I will soon find out if any of them are effected. I was hoping to install audacity and cam studio etc which are deffo not 32 bit, they are freeware FFS






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?