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Should I buy this laptop?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?

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  • @thelog 540415 wrote:

    day 2

    Last night I was up late playing loads of games of steam that I haven’t played for ages. I have the demo of ARMA2 and I had forgot how hard it is. I need some advice on how to get my mouse working properly for games TBH. It’s annoying the way it moves at the sec. It has been a long old time since I have configured a souse for gaming. I had a little go on planetside 2 aswell. It’s ok but lone wolfing it in a game like that is bit shit.

    I’m in the process of transferring my 10Gb of music data and projects via windows network sharing centre at 1mbps (well it is fluctuating) Also it’s a pain because it is sometimes stopping because certain files cannot be copied so I have to try and keep an eye on it. i could check the “do this for all items” box but I want to know which ones are not working.

    Oh year one mega annoying thing about this laptop is the fucking space bar makes a loud click and squeak when I press it. I have tried sitting pressing it over and over again but it still squeaking. Pissing me off!!

    ARMA 2 online is the weirdest, hardest FPS I have ever played. I was just controlling a squad going round pwning noobs but it didn’t make sense and I swear other people in the game had h4x or something, they were all just spawning in tanks and shit

    Just be sure of what you do…after a good long read there are issues in the downgrade as well…but you will have the same shit to sort out as many OS X user have when the went for lion and moutain lion..or bought new machines and expected all is well….there are parts of some programs that is not working as they use to or if not at all…then off to win store and pay for the shit…thats the future as looks…I am still on snow leoperd and have not had any of the problems I see the upgrade have…even my iPad-mini works flawless together with it…the only thing I cannot use is the iCloud service on my desktop…but i will never use it anyway…let daft have a looksi he should know 😉

    @!sinner69! 540457 wrote:

    Just be sure of what you do…after a good long read there are issues in the downgrade as well…but you will have the same shit to sort out as many OS X user have when the went for lion and moutain lion..or bought new machines and expected all is well….there are parts of some programs that is not working as they use to or if not at all…then off to win store and pay for the shit…thats the future as looks…I am still on snow leoperd and have not had any of the problems I see the upgrade have…even my iPad-mini works flawless together with it…the only thing I cannot use is the iCloud service on my desktop…but i will never use it anyway…let daft have a looksi he should know 😉

    If there’s problems downgrading, you might as well just install 7 over the top, as afaik you have to own 7 to downgrade anyway.

    For some reason microsoft have made the downgrade free for win8 pro…

    @!sinner69! 540538 wrote:

    For some reason microsoft have made the downgrade free for win8 pro…

    Makes you wonder how many people have been wanting to downgrade lol¬

    Log was telling me the guy who made win 8 got fired ….

    @DeezNuts 540456 wrote:

    ARMA 2 online is the weirdest, hardest FPS I have ever played. I was just controlling a squad going round pwning noobs but it didn’t make sense and I swear other people in the game had h4x or something, they were all just spawning in tanks and shit

    What were you playing, “wastleand” arma2 or just the vanilla?

    @thelog 540552 wrote:

    What were you playing, “wastleand” arma2 or just the vanilla?

    Vanilla bro, I think the mode was CTI or something. There might be a way to spawn in vehicles legit, was just my first time playing it online. Some people have ridiculously good aiming though..

    @thelog 540552 wrote:

    What were you playing, “wastleand” arma2 or just the vanilla?

    Can you stop going off topic please. 😛

    @DaftFader 540541 wrote:

    Makes you wonder how many people have been wanting to downgrade lol¬

    Log was telling me the guy who made win 8 got fired ….

    Yes he did – and microsoft is in a pickle now because it is clearly subsidising the new laptops, but if they actively prevent people from changing their OS they will be fined a shit ton of euros by the EU because of anti competition laws and ultimately their staff could even get arrested in European countries. They might already still owe the EU some money from the last set of fines they got. Even in America where folk believe in business being more powerful than elected government they can still get sued as well.

    As regards MS, I think they assumed manufacturers would be happy to continue to pay for hardware support with a new Operating System release.

    Windows 8 has, comparatively speaking, crap support. It’s the ultimate Noddy Windows for people that are scared of keyboards.

    Oh, did hear about interesting homebrew game called Day Z – written with Arma 2. No scoring system, only aim in the game is to survive in a post Apolocalyptic Zombie world.

    Not my cup of tea, I have enough trouble surviving in a Pre-Apocalyptic Zombie world. 🙂

    @DeezNuts 540553 wrote:

    Vanilla bro, I think the mode was CTI or something. There might be a way to spawn in vehicles legit, was just my first time playing it online. Some people have ridiculously good aiming though..

    Only way to spawn vehicles legit is in the editor man. There are tons of hacks and mods for arma2. There is no point playing on the vanilla servers cos they are full of hacks. You should join a private hive server. Download the wasteland mad man. It’s really good for instant fun.

    I’m gonna install DayZ tonight cos I have been dying to play it. Only thing is sometimes my frame rate is really choppy with my render and shit highish. I might figure out how to overclock my GPU and get better frasme rate from it. I saw a video of some guy doing it on my laptop ad playing BF3 so getting arma2 on high should be easy.

    @thelog 540599 wrote:

    I might figure out how to overclock my GPU and get better frasme rate from it. I saw a video of some guy doing it on my laptop ad playing BF3 so getting arma2 on high should be easy.

    Hope you don’t fry it, ie you have good cooling on the GFX card. Although GFX cards get ever cheaper. Overvolting is usually the most dangerous and effective. But most cards you can get a little 5% boost on.

    Oh wait, laptop… well, you HAVE just cleaned all the dust out of it. 🙂

    Might consider a big metal plate to put it on. All kinds of ways you can improvise cooling.

    You been here?

    Day Z is DIFFICULT, from what I’ve seen of playing it.

    @thelog 540599 wrote:

    Only way to spawn vehicles legit is in the editor man. There are tons of hacks and mods for arma2. There is no point playing on the vanilla servers cos they are full of hacks. You should join a private hive server. Download the wasteland mad man. It’s really good for instant fun.

    I’m gonna install DayZ tonight cos I have been dying to play it. Only thing is sometimes my frame rate is really choppy with my render and shit highish. I might figure out how to overclock my GPU and get better frasme rate from it. I saw a video of some guy doing it on my laptop ad playing BF3 so getting arma2 on high should be easy.

    Let me know when you’re on Day Z mate we gotsta have a session for sure!

    I was playing a bit of Arma 2 again today, I think it was just a server side mod cause I went on a different server and the ability to ‘build’ humvees etc as well as buy new guns out of money that you somehow get (I’m guessing you start with X amount and then get some for kills and that) but I wasn’t happy cause I ran 3KM first and had a convoy of tanks and helicopters pass me and I was just like WTF.

    On another note, I got Windows OS 8 on my phone and it is really suited to it but FUCK HAVING IT ON A PC/LAPTOP. I can tell it would really piss me off, it is designed for touch screens, I don’t know why MS did that, such a n00b move.

    @Pat McDonald 540614 wrote:

    Day Z is DIFFICULT, from what I’ve seen of playing it.

    It isn’t that difficult once you’re used to it to be honest. The only thing that makes it difficult is hackers that teleport everyone to the debug world and kill you with grenades when you can’t even do anything.

    I had a hacker do this to me the other week, was weird as shit;






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?