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Should I buy this laptop?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?

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  • DayZ is very daunting to people who have never played arm before because of all the keybindings ETC. I’m gonna be downloading it off steam as soom as I get the balls to overclock my GPU. I have all the tools i’m just too scared to do it 🙁

    @thelog 540707 wrote:

    DayZ is very daunting to people who have never played arm before because of all the keybindings ETC. I’m gonna be downloading it off steam as soom as I get the balls to overclock my GPU. I have all the tools i’m just too scared to do it 🙁

    You don’t get Day Z from Steam man you get it from the site > DayZ Mod (You know you need the expansion Operation Arrowhead yeah?)

    I’d reccomend using this > DayZ Mod it’s what I use.. let me know when you’ve made an account on it and i’ll add you up homeboy.

    Nah i’m on about buying operation arrowhead form steam for 11 jib

    Nice one bruddah. Let me know what ARMA2 runs at with the overclocking done.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Should I buy this laptop?